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In the panel evaluations, joint applications submitted by TTO, TDZ and RI (projects) and applicants are evaluated based on the 3 main dimensions provided below:

  1. Technological and or/ technical competence of the Project
  1. Quality and appropriateness of the processes developed by TTO, TDZ and RI for the success of the project,
  1. TTO, TDZ and RI’s criteria for the creation of entrepreneur pool,
  2. TTO, TDZ and RIs’ processes for the preparation of entrepreneurs to the funds,
  3. Contributions of TTO, TDZ and RI to the selection and presentation of the ventures,
  4. Fund selection criteria of TTO, TDZ and RI,
  5. Collaborations of TTO, TDZ and RI with other universities, technoparks and similar organizations while preparing the entrepreneur pool
  1. Feasibility of the Project
  1. Appropriateness of TTO, TDZ and RI to be supported;

i.    Organizational management, legal structure and independence of TTO, TDZ and     RI,
ii. Sufficiency of experience and competence of TTO, TDZ and RI,
iii.  Appropriateness of the organizational structure and personnel of TTO, TDZ and RI,
iv. Intended participation budget of TTO, TDZ and RI to the fund,
v.     Appropriateness of a comprehensive business plan of TTO, TDZ and RI including which fund to be participated, return targets, skills planned to be developed, aims regarding the accumulation of resources and experience in the ecosystem, outputs and success criteria

2. Structure of the Fund;

  1.   Focused areas of the Fund,
  2.   Investment strategy of the Fund,
  3.   Commitment magnitude of the Fund,
  4.   Legal structure and independence
  5.   Fund management cost and profit sharing,
  1. Impact of the Project

1. Organizational capacity development and sustainability;

  1.   Appropriateness of project goals, outputs and success criterion including resource accumulation and experience transfer,
  2.   Total number of ventures to be invested at the idea stage and commercialization stage,
  3. The development and sustainability of TTO, TDZ and RI’s entrepreneurial and    technological commercialization capacity,
  4. Creation of a sustainable investment mechanism,
  5. Reporting, controlling, auditing and risk management processes.