Online Application

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Applications are made online at within the dates announced in the call announcement.


Documents for the application system must be in Turkish. Certified Turkish translations of documents prepared in other languages must be uploaded.
At the application stage, it is sufficient to upload the documents to the system, and they do not need to be delivered to BİDEB. The evaluation is made only on the documents uploaded to the system. For this reason, the document related to each condition must be uploaded to the system through application forms in a clear and determined content (The documents containing only a web page link will not be considered).


A two-stage application system will be used in this program.


Required Documents For The First Stage

  • Letter of Intent

Required Documents For The Second Stage

  • Research Proposal Form

Registered information about researchers on Researcher Information System (ARBİS) must be updated before application.


For both stages, candidates must undertake that the information they enter into the system is correct and that they will comply with the program obligations. Candidates who approve their application are deemed to have undertaken this. If a contrary declaration is detected, the applications are returned without being evaluated and/or the relevant legislation provisions are applied.


Researchers who receive support must submit other requested documents specified in the call text to BİDEB after the announcement of the support decision.
Application withdrawal can be done at any stage. For withdrawal process, a petition with signature indicating the application year and period must be sent to the address of BİDEB. Upon receipt of the petition to BİDEB, the update process is carried out.