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  • Can authorized signatory/director of a private corporation take part in projects as a project manager/principal investigator?
  • Only corporations that are not competent to become small and medium sized enterprises (KOBI) and manager and partners of small and medium sized enterprises can apply as a project manager/principal investigator.


  • Can a project have more than one principal investigator? What are the significant points worth noting to submit such a project proposal?
  • There can be only one principal investigator in small-scale projects. Since medium-scale or large-scale project proposals are composed of a major project and 3 sub-projects most (unless specified differently at call documents); it is possible to have more than one principal investigator in those projects. Major project and 3 sub-projects should be conducted at different institutions/organizations or different faculties of the same university. The principal investigator (excluding retirees) must be permanent staff of the institution in question.


  • Is it possible to submit more than one project application from the same private corporation ?
  • Different principal investigators can submit different projects from the same private corporation; however it is not possible to apply with a project composed of more than one projects (including major projects and sub-projects) from the same institution/organization.


  • Is it possible to be the project manager of the major project and the pricipal investigator of a sub-project at the same time?
  • No, this is not possible.


  • Is it possible to be the project manager of the major project and researcher/consultant of a sub-project at the same time?
  • No, this is not possible.


  • Is it possible to be researcher/consultant of the major project and the pricipal investigator of a sub-project at the same time?
  • No, this is not possible.


  • We are planning to propose a small-scale project; can we define a major project and sub-projects?
  • No, this is not possible.


  • We are planning to propose a medium-scale or large-scale project. Can we conduct sub-projects at the same/different departments of the same university/faculty?
  • No, this is not possible.


  • We are planning to propose a medium-scale or large-scale project. Can we conduct sub-projects at the different faculties/institutes of the same university?
  • Yes, this is possible unless specified the exact opposite in call documents.


  • We are planning to propose a medium-scale or large-scale project. Can we conduct sub-projects at different universities same/different faculties/institutes?
  • Yes, this is possible unless specified the exact opposite in call documents.


  • We are planning to propose a medium-scale or large-scale project. Is it compulsory to have sub-projects?
  • No, unless specified the exact opposite in call documents.


  • We are planning to propose a medium-scale or large-scale project from a university/ training and research hospital. Is it compulsory to have a civil servant as a project team member? Is it compulsory to have a sub-project from these institutions?
  • No, unless specified the exact opposite in call documents.


  • We are planning to propose a medium-scale or large-scale project from a public institute/research center/institute. Is it compulsory to have a university personnel/private corporation staff as a project team member? Is it compulsory to have a sub-project from these institutions?
  • No, unless specified the exact opposite in call documents.


  • We are planning to propose a medium-scale or large-scale project from a private corporation. Is it compulsory to have a university personnel/private corporation staff as a project team member? Is it compulsory to have a sub-project from these institutions?
  • No, unless specified the exact opposite in call documents.


  • We are planning to propose a major project with sub-projects. We are trying to define sub-project team members from “Proje Ekibi” at PBS; however we could not find the system interface to be able to define the principal investigator of the sub-project; are we supposed to submit the principal investigator of the sub-project as a “Reseacher”?
  • No, you should submit all the details about sub-projects from “Yürütücü Kuruluşlar”


  • We are planning to propose a major project with sub-projects. Are we supposed to define researchers/consultants and foreign researchers/consultants of the sub-projects at the “Proje Ekibi” page of PBS?
  • No, first you should define sub-projects at the “Yürütücü Kuruluşlar” step. Then, you should click “Düzenle” button nearby each sub-project and define the team members of each sub-project seperately.


  • Do we need to define the institution/organization of the major project at the “Yürütücü Kuruluşlar” step?
  • No, you should enter all the information related with the major project to the relevant spaces at the main page.


  • We are planning to propose a major project with sub-projects. However, there is no place we can upload the protocol document at the “Ek Dosyalar” step of PBS.  Should we send hardcopy of the protocol document?
  • Protocol document is constituted by the application system after all the sub-projects are defined at the “Yürütücü Kuruluşlar” step. You are not supposed to upload/send a protocol document except from that.


  • When adding researchers to the project team in the Project Application System, is the contribution ratio and type of ownership the same as the status and ratio mentioned in the “Intellectual Property Rights Protocol” document? What is the difference between these expressions?
  • Contribution ratio to the project is information on how much of the work packages the researcher will contribute. Contribution of a researcher to work packages can be at least 10% and maximum 50%. The total contribution ratio of the researchers cannot exceed 100%. Right ownership status entered in PBS indicates the ownership of the project team members on the application form of the project. When you complete the application steps of the Rights Ownership Declaration page that expresses the intellectual right of the content of the project application form, it is automatically created by the system and added to the files you will sign with e-signature. The Intellectual Property Rights Protocol is regulated for the right ownerships of intellectual products likely to derive from the project. Due to the legislation, both the project team and the institution/organization where the project will be carried out may have rights on the project outputs. You are expected to decide on the status and ratio of this right ownership with this protocol (by contacting the executive organization).


  • In how many 1003 projects and how many ARDEB projects can I be principal investigator (PI)/ researcher / consultant at the same time?
  • A person can be a PI at the same time in one 1003 project and a researcher at the same time in two 1003 project. Within the scope of the support programs carried out by ARDEB (except for 1002 projects and international projects), one can be PI in three projects or PI in two projects and researcher in two projects, or PI in one project, researcher in four projects or researcher in six projects. The number of projects that a person takes part as an consultant is limited to six.


  • Are my projects that are currently in the proposal phase (draft, approved, e-signature process completed) and / or whose evaluation process is ongoing are also accepted within the application limits?
  • Yes, these projects are also accepted within the application limits.

    · Are my projects, whose final report has been submitted but the status has not changed as concluded yet, accepted within the application limits?

    No, these projects are excluded from the application limits.

    · While my project is under active applications in the "My Applications" menu in PBS, it is now seen under "Previous Applications". What does this mean?

    In the active projects section, the projects whose deadlines have not yet passed and which you can make changes are listed. When the application period of the relevant period expires, the projects are transferred to the "Previous Applications" section in order to avoid intervention to the projects.

    · Where can I follow the situation of my project?

    You can follow the status of your project in the ARDEB Project Tasks menu in PBS. In addition, any positive or negative changes (return, support decision, rejection decision) regarding the status of your Project are sent to you by e-mail.


  • I would like to add foreign researchers / consultants to my project, but there is no field in PBS where I can add the documents requested for these people in the Additional Files step?
  • When you add the person in question from the "Project Team (Proje Ekibi)" step on the application screen, the expert information form and the letter of participation regarding the foreign researcher are created by the system and you do not need to upload an additional document. In addition, it is expected that the person will approve the letter of participation upon sending a link to the foreign researcher via e-mail from application system. Resumes related to foreign researchers / consultants are created by the system in line with the information entered to ARBİS. After adding the relevant people to the "Project Team", a field in the "Additional Files" step is also opened where detailed resumes can be loaded if desired.


  • For the project application which we planned to submit within the scope of 1003 projects, we could not reach the application form at http://ardeb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr . Will the application forms used in previous periods be valid for this year or will a new format be used?
  • Current application forms for the program can be accessed on the https://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/destekler/akademik/ulusal-destek-programla... page, and if the current forms are not used, the projects are returned without scientific evaluation.


  • I applied with the same project proposal before, however my project was returned without scientific. In this case, will I fill in the "Project Proposal Modification Form" when applying for the new period?
  • You do not need to fill in the "Project Proposal Modification Form" for projects that have been returned due to their formal deficiencies (projects that have not been evaluated scientifically because of missing documents, etc.).       

    · Is it necessary to prepare a CV/resume for scholars?

    No, it is not required.

    · Are there any documents that I need to send in print after completing my electronic application?

    No, since the applications are received by e-signature, there is no document that you need to send in print.


  • No field was opened in the Project Application System for Intellectual Property Rights Protocol, Ethics Committee Approval document, Legal / Private Permit document, Support Letter and Proforma Invoices, do I need to send it by mail?
  • No, these documents do not need to be sent at the application stage. If it is decided to support your project, it is expected that the documents will be delivered to our Institution in full and in the desired format within the time given by the relevant Research Support Group. If the documents cannot be obtained within the time given, it will not be possible to implement the project.


  • Previously, in the application procedures of 1003 programme we were supposed to send the hardcopy of signed “Kabul ve Taahhüt Beyanları” and “Hak Sahipliği Beyanı” documents. Is it required to post these signed documents for new applications as well?
  • No, since the application documents are signed digitally through PBS, you are not required to send these signed documents as hardcopy. As you start the procedure for electronic signature, application system is automatically sending requests to the relevant project managers/partners/members and this process is completed digitally.


  • We are planning to propose a major project with sub-projects. Should authorized signatories and project team members of the sub-projects have electronic signature as well?
  • For the stage-1 proposals, only electronic signature of the manager of  major project is required. However, for stage-2 proposals project team members (manager/principal investigator/researcher/consultant) of the sub-projects and authorized signatories of their institutions/organizations should have electronic signature certificate since “Kabul ve Taahhüt Beyanları”, “Hak Sahipliği Beyanı” and “Protokol” documents need to be signed electronically.


  • Are there any specific constraints regarding project applications from private corporations?
  • In the scope of projects proposed from private corporations, 50% of the requested grant for machinery and equipment is covered by TÜBİTAK. Institution share is not defined for private corporations (except private universities). Principal investigator/researchers/consultants from private corporations are not allowed to get Project Incentive Bonus (PTI) payment.


  • Is there any upper limit for the budget claims (machinery and equipment, disposables, etc.) ?
  • As it is supposed to have a balanced distribution among budget claims; unless specified the exact opposite in call documents, there is no upper limit. (Saha çalışması dışındaki faaliyetler için yapılacak yurt içi/yurt dışı seyahatlere; Küçük ölçekli projelerde toplam 30.000 TL’yi, Orta ve Büyük ölçekli projelerde ise söz konusu limitin sırasıyla en fazla 2 ve 3 katını geçmemek şartıyla ödenek verilir.)


  • What are the lower and upper limits for personnel expenses?
  • For the project team members not employed at public institutions/organizations, personnel expenses are covered  within the scope of “Principles and codes of practice for 1007 - Public Institutions Research Funding Program”. Wage to be paid to newly recruited staff is determined by TUBITAK according to wages policy of institution/organization of principal investigator and based on the wage of an equal staff employed at that institution/organization.


  • How are the intellectual property rights shared among project partners?
  • For this process, rules defined in “Proje Teşvik ve Destekleme Esaslarına İlişkin Yönetmelik Uyarınca Desteklenen Projelerde Uygulanacak Fikri Haklar Esasları” are enforced. Share of the intellectual property rights coming up while conducting or at the end of projects are defined by the protocol between the project members and their institutions/organizations (Protocol for intellectual property rights-“ Fikri Mülkiyet Hak Sahipliği Protokolü”).