Due to the high efficiency of the projects initiated with the first Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem Call in 2022 and the strong demand from our stakeholders, the call has been reopened on June 3rd.
The Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem Call aims to transform artificial intelligence technologies developed by companies based in Turkey and committed to implementing the project results in Turkey into products or solutions, in line with the needs of companies that require artificial intelligence solutions internally. This transformation leverages the knowledge accumulated in university/public research centers and institutes.
Under this program, five priority areas will be supported. These priority areas are:
Smart Manufacturing Systems,
Smart Agriculture, Food, and Livestock,
Financial Technologies,
Climate Change and Sustainability,
Smart Education Technologies.
In this support model, it is expected that customer organizations in need of AI solutions will form a consortium with at least one technology provider company, at least one university research laboratory/center or public research center/institute experienced in this field, and the TÜBİTAK Artificial Intelligence Institute. The consortium applying for the project must sign a cooperation agreement prior to the application.
The call schedule is given below. Applications will be sent online at https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr.
Call opening date: 3 June 2024
-Organization-based pre-registration deadline: August 19, 2024, at 23:59
-Call closing date: 21 August 2024 at 23:59
NOTE: See call announcement for details and explanations.
The project budget will be at most 7,500,000 TL. The duration of the project will be a maximum of 24 months in total.
The Customer Organization (SME or Large Scale) and Technology Provider Institution/Organization (at least one SME and at least one university research laboratory/center or public research center/institute) can jointly apply to the call.
The duration of the project will be a maximum of 24 months in total.
The expenses of only labor force of the Customer Organization will be supported. The upper limit of this support will not exceed 10 man-months. 60% of the project budget included in the support is covered by TÜBİTAK and the remaining 40% by the customer.
If the Customer Organization is a large-scale; The Customer Organization will pay 20% of the periodical project expenses to the Technology Provider Organization, and TÜBİTAK will give 60% of the "accepted expenditure amount" to the Technology Provider Organization as a grant after evaluating the expenses.
If the Customer Organization is a SME-scale; The Customer Organization will pay 10% of the periodical project expenses to the Technology Provider Organization, and TÜBİTAK will give 70% of the "accepted expenditure amount" to the Technology Provider Organization as a grant after evaluating the expenses.
The support rate for university research laboratory/center or public research center/institute is 100%. If the customer organization is a large-scale, 20% of the “accepted expenditure amount”; If the customer organization is SME-scale, it will cover 10% of the “accepted expenditure amount”. TÜBİTAK will give the rest as a grant.
Supported costs are: personnel costs, travel costs, tools, equipment, software and technical documents costs, R&D service expenses, consultancy or other services costs, materials and consumables costs.
Customer Organization refers to the capital companies established in Turkey, regardless of their sector and scale, that need a solution based on artificial intelligence and that have signed a cooperation agreement with the Technology Provider Institution/Organization in order to meet this need. Technology Provider Institution(s)/Organization(s) refers to SME scale capital companies and university research laboratories/centers or public research centers/institutes.
A Customer Organization and at least one SME-scale company, at least one university research laboratory/center or public research center/institute as a technology provider jointly apply for the Call. During the application and support stages, the addressee institution becomes the Customer Organization.
According to the Corporate Tax Law No. 5520 and the provisions of the relevant legislation, organizations that are within the scope of related persons are not included in the same project as Customer Organization and Technology Provider Organization.
Academics working at universities who are shareholders in companies cannot participate as technology provider SMEs in the consortiums of the project.
Project proposals are evaluated according to the following three dimensions:
I. Aspect: Industrial R&D Content, Technology Level, Innovative Aspect
II. Aspect: Eligibility of Project Plan and Enterprise Infrastructure for the Project
III. Aspect: The Turnover of Project Outputs to Economic Benefit and National Benefit
The projects are reported to TÜBİTAK after they are evaluated and evaluated by referees who are experts in their subjects. Based on the evaluation reports, the projects are evaluated by the relevant technology group executive committee and the final decision is made.
Projects are monitored and supported by the view of the auditor (s) every six months. In the last period of the project, the project result report is submitted by the organization.
After the end of the project support period, a process can be run for a maximum of 60 months in order to monitor the commercialization of the project outputs and the duration can be changed by TÜBİTAK. This process is a process in which the success of commercialization will be followed in the long term and has been defined as three periods. The first commercialization period means the end of the first year after the project support end date, the second commercialization period means the end of the third year after the project support end date, the third commercialization period means the end of the fifth year after the project support end date.
This call announcement is made within the framework of the Innovation Support Program Implementation Principles Directive. For matters not specified in the call, the provisions of the Innovation Support Program Implementation Principles Directive and other relevant TUBITAK legislation shall apply.
One Customer Organization (SME or Large Scale) and Technology Provider Institution/Organization (at least one SME and at least one university research laboratory/center or public research center/institute) apply jointly.
No. TÜBİTAK Artificial Intelligence Institute will only be a member of the consortium and the consortium that will apply for the project must sign a cooperation agreement with the Artificial Intelligence Institute before the project application.
Applications are made according to the dates specified in the call announcement.
Project applications are made online at https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr
Yes. In this case, each Technology Provider Institution/Organization becomes a project partner.
Yes. The important thing is that each project provides its own application conditions.
Yes, it can. There is no limit to the number of applications. The important thing is that each project provides its own application conditions.
Yes. The total budget of the presented project can be at most the announced limit in the call proposal and includes TÜBİTAK, Customer and Technology Provider Institution/Organization shares.
Four priority areas will be supported in a program. These priority areas have been determined as Smart Production Systems, Smart Agriculture, Food and Livestock, Finance Technologies and Effects of Climate Change
Under normal circumstances, it cannot be withdraw. However, in projects that are abolished due to the intention of the institution, all payments made are collected from the institution by applying a delay interest at the rates specified in the Law No. 6183.
No, there is no such application.
It is determined by the cooperation agreement they will make before the project application.
The output of the project will be expected to be commercialized by the Customer Organization and/or Technology Provider Institution/Organization.
The SME requirement must be met at the application stage. The subsequent loss of the Organization's SME qualification will not affect the support process.
The duration of the project can be extended. The relevant articles in the Innovation Support Program Implementation Principles Directive should be examined.
There is a pre-registration guide on the screen of the Company's Pre-Registration Officer and on the screen of the Establishment Officer in PRODİS.
If you have any questions about organization-based pre-registration, you can contact teydeb.onkayit@tubitak.gov.tr
You can access the relevant Collaboration Agreement format from the link inside this page.