On 15th December 2010, in the 22th meeting of SCST, the National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (2011-2016) document has been approved.
The continuation of the pace on the improvement of RDI capacity achieved through BTP-UP (2005-2010) have been one of the main motives behind the National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (2011-2016).
The vision of the National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (2011-2016) is "to contribute to new knowledge and develop innovative technologies to improve the quality of life by transforming the former into products, processes, and services for the benefit of the country and humanity".
In line with these targets, within the period 2011-2016, disseminating culture of multilateral and multidisciplinary RDI cooperation, stimulating sectoral and regional RDI dynamics, encouraging SMEs to become stronger actors within the national innovation system, and enhancing the contribution of research infrastructures to the knowledge creation capacity of TARAL are defined as the main focus points within the national innovation system.
In order to deal with these necessities, within the National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (2011-2016), mission oriented approaches in areas with strong RDI capacity, need-oriented approaches in areas with a demand for gaining acceleration, and bottom-up approaches including basic, applied and frontier research are identified. The strategic framework of National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (2011-2016) comprises of three vertical axises and six horizontal axises that serves to the vertical ones ( Figure 1).
At the 25th meeting of SCST, which was held on 15th January, 2013, health sector included within national prioritized areas in regard to decree no. 2013/106.
Science and Technology Human Resources Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2016
Developing science and technology human resources is one of the main pillars of Turkish STI policy, as a major STI target (150 000 FTE R&D personnel by 2013) and a strategic objective of BTP-UP 2005-2010. Accordingly, the SCST mandated TUBITAK to coordinate the preparation of Science and Technology Human Resources Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2016 (in Turkish) and in last SCST Meeting which held in 15 December 2010 strategy has been accepted.
The strategy is decided to have two main purposes: increasing the number and improving the sectoral and occupational distribution of the R&D personnel. To be able to prepare the strategy, in 2008, 12 workshops were organized with the participation of more than 500 research personnel from all stakeholders, such as international and national academicians, private sector R&D managers, and public sector lab managers. Ad-hoc committees have also been convened based on various governmental and non-governmental stakeholders to improve the R&D climate for researchers based on practical, regulatory measures. Moreover, one particular aspect of the new R&D tax law should also be highlighted such that the law fosters the employment of R&D personnel by the industry, and hence diversifies the employment opportunities for researchers. This law also contributes to invigorating the demand for R&D personnel in the private sector and providing more career opportunities for researchers in Turkey.
Ad Hoc Committees to Improve the Research Climate for Researchers
Science and Technology Human Resources Coordination Committee
Established at the 19th meeting of SCST, the Science and Technology Human Resources Coordination Committee (STHRCC) is composed of the MoF, Ministry of National Education (MoNE), Ministry of Health (MoH), MoIT, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS), YOK , Inter-University Council (UAK), State Personnel Presidency, TOBB, and TUBITAK. Based on its five working groups, the Committee has been working on important topics to improve the climate for researchers in Turkey, such as enhancing governance in higher education institutions, raising researchers’ income, and further increasing the stock of qualified HRST and university-industry collaboration. Their recommendations will be fed-back into respective policies.
International Researchers Coordination Committee
Established at the 18th meeting of SCST, the International Researchers Coordination Committee (IRCC) aimed to make Turkey an “attractive destination” for international researchers. The Committee was composed of relevant authorities from the MoF, MoNE, MoH, MoIT, MoFA, MoLSS, YOK, Directorate General of Population and Citizenship, Ministry of Interior, UAK, and TUBITAK. The Committee has worked on regulatory issues for international researchers, i.e. work and residence permits, contract period, wage, retirement, academic promotion, education for researchers’ children, learning Turkish, benefiting from health services, supports for scientific projects, and procedures for Turkish citizenship. The recommendations of this Committee were fed-back into SCST at its 19th meeting in June 2009. SCST designated relevant bodies to adopt their regulations for the issues recommended by the Committee.
Some of the outputs of STHRCC and IRCC are given, whereby international researchers:
- Are privileged in obtaining Republic of Turkey citizenship;
- Have gained the right for receiving Project Incentive Bonus (PIB) from TUBITAK projects;
- Are provided with easy-access to information on work permits based on the following webpage www.workpermit.gov.tr
- For those are studying in universities and public research institutes for maximum 2 years and working in projects in the frame of EU Pre-accession programs, work permit requirement removed.
- Regarding duly applications for work permits will be finalized in 30 days at the latest.
- Researchers can get a preliminary permit not to exceed one year until they finalize their operations related to academic and professional qualification.
- The process of recognition of diplomas and academic promotion is also facilitated.
- Improvement of researchers income through removing deductions of revolving fund.
Within the IRCC, a synergy was also created concerning the activities undertaken within the context of the EURAXESS Network, which aims to serve internationally mobile researchers with regard to practical issues, such as visas, work permits, social security, accommodation, language courses, and social and cultural issues through more than 200 service centers in 35 countries and internet portals. As the coordinator of the network in Turkey, TUBITAK launched the Turkish portal to which various authorities taking part in IRCC contributed with legal and procedural information. Through the portal, (euraxess.tubitak.gov.tr) researchers who plan to come to Turkey find information on funding opportunities, job offers, social security and tax issues and other topics relating to researcher mobility.
High Level Prioritization Groups Meetings 2011-2016
- Electrical Vehicles
- Energy
- Automotive
- Water
- Machine Manufacture
- Food
- ICTs
- Health - Medical Biotechnology
Turkish Research Area (TARAL)
Launched in 2004, one of the subsequent triggers in Turkey is the conceptualization of the Turkish Research Area (TARAL). TARAL set into motion a mobilization with which the business enterprise and public sectors, together with NGOs, strategically focus and collaborate on R&D and innovation.
The TARAL objectives that are to be achieved are to:
- enhance the quality of life,
- find innovative solutions to societal needs,
- increase the competitiveness of the country,
- foster and diffuse S&T awareness in society.
To make such a mobilization possible, the TARAL targets were determined as bolstering:
- the share of R&D expenditures in Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
- the demand for R&D,
- the number of qualified R&D personnel.
A critical stimulus was the formulation of a new, additional public investment TARAL budget for the utilization of the R&D and innovation activities of TARAL actors. Hence, TARAL triggered a particular kind of mobilization, both in the sense of resources and in guiding system actors towards socio-economic goals, which continues to be instrumental in the Turkish Model.
- ST Policies Implementation Plan 2005-2010
- Nation Innovation Strategy 2008-2010
- International STI Strategy 2007-2010
- TÜBİTAK Call Plan 2015-2017
- TÜBİTAK Call Plan 2020 (New)