2244-Industry PhD Program

05 Jul 2018
The call for Industry PhD Program has been launched. Within the framework of the targets of priority areas of our country, this program aims to contribute the training of qualified human resources holding PhD degree for the need of industry.

The call for Industry PhD Program has been launched. Within the framework of the targets of priority areas of our country, this program aims to contribute the training of qualified human resources holding PhD degree for the need of industry.

Within the scope of this program, the fellowships for PhD students and employment grants devoted to private sector have been provided to promote the employment of more researchers in the private sector. Thus, the technological transformation will be enabled which has been targeted by the grants, supports and investments. Besides, the human resources, which is vital to attain the desired levels in the value chain, will be improved in terms of quality and quantity. In this sense, the needs of the companies will be focused and the development of human resources holding PhD will be assured.

The state and foundation universities, the research infrastructure and private institutions which obtained competency in accordance with the law no 6550 can apply for this program. In addition, R&D/Design Centers and the companies with shared capital in techno parks and private companies can be involved in the Project.

The call text can be accessed from this link.

The applications will be received at https://e-bideb.tubitak.gov.tr as of 9 July 2018.