Within the scope of the TÜBİTAK 1071 Program and under the cooperation protocol between TÜBİTAK and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), joint research projects on “Green Chemistry” and “Information and Communication Technologies” to be carried out between the scientists of the two countries will be supported. Call sub-thematic areas are stated in the call text.
Scientists in Türkiye who wish to propose a joint research project must agree with the scientists working in China as project partners. Unilateral project applications will not be accepted.
Within the scope of the call, which will remain open until 23:59 (UTC+3) on 23 August 2024, project applications to TÜBİTAK must be made through the electronic application system (http://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr/).
Detailed information about the call can be accessed through the call text below.