Deadline for Applications for EMBO Installation Grant: 15 April 2025!

03 Mar 2025
Researchers in the early stages of their careers, who are working in the field of life sciences, are supported to establish their independent laboratories.

The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) provides various scholarship and support programmes for scientists working in the field of life sciences. These programmes, which are financed by the European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC) Member States and EMBO / EMBC global partners, provide grant, accommodation and networking support to the researchers.

The EMBO Strategic Installation Grant Board under the leadership of Turkey initiated European Molecular Biology Organization Installation Grants in 2006. The grant aims to support talented young scientists in some developing European Molecular Biology Conference member countries in the field of life sciences such as Turkey, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland and Portugal to establish their research laboratories and continue their scientific studies as group leaders. 159 young researchers benefited from this grant between 2007 and 2025, and 43 of them established their laboratories in Turkey. Please find information about all researchers who benefited from EMBO Installation Grant to establish their laboratories in Turkey by clicking here.

Important Information:

  • EMBO Installation Grantees receive an annual grant of 50,000 euros for three to five years. 35,000 euros of the annual payments will be provided by TÜBİTAK for grantees supported in Turkey and 15,000 euros will be provided by EMBC for the first three years. The final two years are fully covered by TÜBİTAK.

  • Grantees can apply for additional small grants of up to 10,000 euros per year from EMBO.

  • Grantees can benefit from the extensive networking opportunities and practical support of the EMBO Young Investigator Programme.

  • Applicants must be negotiating a full-time group leader position at an institute/university in countries eligible for EMBO Installation Grant by the date of application or have established a laboratory in one of these countries in the last two years.

  • Research areas must be compatible with the EMBO study areas.

  • Applicants should have received their PhD less than nine years prior to the year of application.

  • In the four years prior to their application, applicants should have spent at least two consecutive years outside the country in which they are planning to establish their laboratory.

  • Applicants must be able to attend an online interview on October 29th, 2025.

  • Applications must be made directly to EMBO through the application system.

  • Please find the detailed information about the program here.


Please send your questions about EMBO Installation Grant to or ​​e-mail addresses.