Deadline for Applications for EMBO Young Investigator Programme: 1 April 2025!

03 Mar 2025
Support is provided for young group leaders working in the field of life sciences to develop their independent laboratories for 4 years.

The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) provides various scholarship and support programmes for scientists working in the field of life sciences. These programmes, which are financed by the European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC) Member States and EMBO / EMBC global partners, provide grant, accommodation and networking support to the researchers.

With the EMBO Young Investigator Program, the most successful young group leaders working in the field of life sciences in countries that are EMBC member or EMBO / EMBC global partners are selected and grant support and scientific network development opportunities that will greatly contribute to their career development are offered.

Important Information:

  • Applicants must have worked as an independent group leader for at least 1 year and at most 4 years.

  • Applicants must have established their research laboratories in countries that are EMBC members or EMBO / EMBC global partners.

  • Research areas must be compatible with the EMBO study areas.

  • The program duration is 4 years.

  • The grantee is provided with 15,000 Euros of support in the second year of the program, and if the grantee requests, he/she can apply for a maximum of 10,000 Euros of grant support each year.

  • The grantee is provided access to EMBO scientific networking events and support for organizing conferences.

  • The grantee is provided mentorship by an EMBO member and his/her participation in laboratory leadership courses organized by EMBO is supported.

  • The grantee is provided access to the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Core Facilities.

  • Applications must be made directly to EMBO through the application system.

  • Please find the detailed information about the program here.


Please send your questions about EMBO Young Investigator Programme to or ​​e-mail addresses.