EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships Programme is Open for Applications

12 Mar 2025
Çok Taraflı Programlar
The next cut-off date for applications is 11 July 2025

The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) provides various scholarship and support programmes for scientists working in the field of life sciences. These programmes, which are financed by the European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC) Member States and EMBO / EMBC global partners, provide grant, accommodation and networking support to the researchers.

Postdoctoral Fellowships provide international mobility and research opportunities in different countries for postdoctoral researchers working in the field of life sciences in EMBC member or EMBO / EMBC global partners.


Applicants satisfying the following criteria are eligible to apply.

  • Applicants must hold a doctorate degree or equivalent or they must pledge to hold it at the start of the fellowship.

  • Applicants who already hold a PhD at the time of application are eligible to apply only if they obtained it during the two years prior to the date the application is submitted.

  • Applicants must have at least one first author research paper accepted in or published in an international peer reviewed journal at the time of application.

  • All applications must involve movement between countries.

  • Applications to go to the country in which the PhD was obtained will not be considered.

  • Candidates who have already started working in the host laboratory can apply only if they have been working in the host laboratory for less than six months at the time the application is submitted.

Please find the detailed information about the eligibility here.


  • Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded for a period of one to two years.

  • EMBO provides grants to the host institution to cover the cost of an employment for the awardee. The contract rates depend on the country being visited.

  • Fellows eligible for the travel and relocation support will receive this as a lump sum before the start date of their fellowship.

  • Fellows are invited to join the EMBO Fellows’ Network.

  • Postdoctoral Fellows are offered to attend EMBO Laboratory Leadership Course for postdocs free of charge during or at the end of their fellowship.

Please find the detailed information about the benefits here.

Application and Selection

  • Applications must be made directly to EMBO through the application system.

  • The next cut-off date for applications is July 11, 2025 (14:00 CEST).

  • Eligible and successful applications will be invited for an interview.

Please find the detailed information about the programme here.


Please send your questions about EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships to fellowships@embo.org or uidb@tubitak.gov.tr e-mail addresses.