The 6th International Joint Transnational Call (JTC6) launched by the ERA4Health Partnership has been announced under the theme "Understanding the Interactions Between Cardiovascular Diseases and Comorbidities and/or Their Therapeutic Treatments (InterHeart)." This call aims to support research that conducts an in-depth examination of the interactions between cardiovascular diseases and other organs and systems. The ERA4Health Partnership aims to promote international and multidisciplinary collaborations to comprehensively investigate the interactions between cardiovascular diseases and other organs and systems. The aim is to facilitate research teams in better understanding these interactions and developing new therapeutic approaches and solutions.
The aim of the call is to support research that:
build our understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms governing interactions between the cardiovascular system and the other organs/systems when at least one of the two presents a pathological state,
build a comprehensive approach to understanding cardiovascular disease interactions, combining basic research, clinical translation, and digital innovation through international collaboration,
enable transnational collaboration of multidisciplinary scientists from different countries to work together across borders, taking advantage of complementary expertise and leveraging diverse patient populations and sets of data.
Detailed information about the call is provided in the call text below.
In addition to submitting project applications to the call secretariat, it is mandatory for researchers from Türkiye participating in the projects to also submit a national project application to TÜBİTAK. Project proposals submitted from Türkiye under this call will be supported through TÜBİTAK's 1071 Support Programme for Increasing Capacity to Benefit from International Research Funds and Participation in International R&D Cooperation. Failure to comply with the application rules may result in the application being returned without evaluation. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly review the national application rules before submission.
Call timeline:
Webinar Infoday:14/01/2025, 14:00 CET
Deadline for pre-proposal submission: 07/03/2025, 12:00 CET
Communication of the results of the pre-proposal assessment (invitation for full proposal): 07/05/ 2025
Deadline for the submission of invited Full-proposals: 17/06/2025, 16:00 CEST
Communication of the funding decisions to the applicants: End of October 2025
Expected project start (subject to national procedures): December 2025 – May 2026
Application Requirements:
International Applications must be submitted through the ERA4Health Electronic Submission System.
National Applications must be submitted through the TÜBİTAK Project Application System.
Call Contacts:
For information on the International Application process and the ERA4Health JTC 6 Call:
Şükran Alpdemir
Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation Department (İÇİM)
E-mail: sukran.alpdemir@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel: (0312) 298 1781
For TÜBİTAK- 1071 programme details:
Azmi Serhat Yıldırım
International Cooperation Projects Research Support Group (UPAG)
E-mail: azmiserhat.yildirim@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel.: (0312) 298 1823