The goal of the call is to facilitate multinational, collaborative research projects that will address critical translational and clinical questions using interdisciplinary approaches to improve the knowledge about the neuroscience of pain, bearing the potential to improve the lives of the people affected.
Chronic pain is associated with structural and functional changes in different brain regions and is linked to altered neurotransmitter levels. Such changes can also be accompanied by emotional, cognitive and behavioural impairment. People affected by chronic pain have an increased risk of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety and vice versa. The occurrence of those comorbidities hinders effective pain management and therapy. Thus, significant progress in the field of pain research can only be achieved through coordinated collaboration between different disciplines, including e.g. clinical neurology and psychiatry, psychology, cognitive neuroscience, neurobiology, physiology, genetics, or pharmacology, among others.
Only international projects will be financed. Each consortium that will submit a proposal must consist of research groups from at least three different countries funded by the organizations specified in the international call text. The number of research groups in a consortium is limited to five. A maximum of two research groups can be from the same country. The number of partners in consortiums can be increased to six, including partners from countries (Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Taiwan and Türkiye) that are underrepresented up to date in the ERA-NET NEURON funding scheme.
A two-stage international evaluation will be made for the call by the ERA-NET NEURON Joint Call Secretariat. Candidates who are successful as a result of the international external reviewer evaluation from the pre-proposal proposals received in the first stage will be invited for full proposals in the second stage.
You can access the international preliminary announcement on the page https://www.neuron-eranet.eu/joint-calls/bio-medical/2025-pain/ and international network tools at https://www.neuron-eranet.eu/resource-hub/networking-tools/ network page.
Detailed information about the application and national and international application conditions will be announced again on the TÜBİTAK homepage after the call is opened.
Contact Person
Dr. Recep Emrah ÇEVİK
Tel: +90 312 298 1214
E-post: emrah.cevik@tubitak.gov.tr