With the new collaboration model launched with the Research Council of Norway (RCN), TÜBİTAK continues to strengthen its partnerships within the international research ecosystem. This model offers a more flexible and effective collaboration opportunity for researchers from both Türkiye and Norway.
According to this new collaboration model, researchers from Türkiye and Norway will be able to participate in projects as principal investigator and partner, with the principal investigator applying to relevant funding programmes determined by their respective national funding agencies. The funding agency receiving the application will evaluate the project through its own assessment processes. If the project is deemed successful, its expenses will be covered in accordance with the rules of the relevant funding programme.
Within this framework:
As part of the TÜBİTAK 1001 - Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Programme, Norwegian researchers will be able to join projects submitted by Turkish principal investigators as project team members in calls to be opened under this collaboration model starting from the first term of 2025.
Turkish researchers, on the other hand, will be able to apply as project team members to the funding programmes determined by RCN.
This new model complements other regulations introduced by the TÜBİTAK Directorate of Research Funding Programmes (ARDEB) and the Department of International Cooperation (UİDB) for the purpose of facilitating international project collaborations (accessible here).
The opportunities provided by TÜBİTAK enhance the global competitiveness of scientific research in Türkiye. Moreover, this partnership with Norway expands the scientific interaction space for Turkish researchers and creates new international collaboration opportunities, thereby increasing the impact of projects. As a result, scientists from both countries will be able to develop joint projects, thereby mutually enhancing their research capacities and deepening scientific collaborations.
For inquiries regarding TÜBİTAK processes, you may contact ardeb-pbs@tubitak.gov.tr, and for inquiries related to RCN processes, please reach out to psp@forskningsradet.no.