CORNET is a network of ministries and funding agencies that combine their existing funding schemes to increase competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In this way, CORNET supports new funding organisations worldwide to introduce pilot actions and schemes for pre-competitive Collective Research. It is expected that the project outputs will benefit a group of SMEs and that the project outputs will be disseminated.
Stakeholders from at least 2 of the call participating countries must come together. Since the participating countries change in each call, it is necessary to confirm which countries are participating in the current call on the CORNET website.
The international application must include three stakeholders from each country:
- The Project application must be submitted by the research partner of R&D&I actions (Higher education institutions, training and research hospitals, public institutions and organizations).
- Project topics must be determined by an SME Umbrella Organization according to needs of SMEs in the relevant sector. The duty of the SME Umbrella Organization is to determine the needs of its members and ensure the dissemination of project outputs.
- A User Committee consisting of at least 3 SME must be defined in the applications. The User Committee is expected to contribute to directing the work of the Project team and increasing the efficiency of the Project.
For international application rules and detailed information, please click CORNET web site.
Applications for CORNET calls must be prepared in accordance with national rules.
International Collaboration Directorate