The Program was initiated in line with the decision taken at the " The Supreme Council for Science and Technology (BTYK)" meeting held on March 10, 2005, in order to meet the needs of public institutions that can be met with R&D or to solve their problems.
Calls are announced for the solution of problems and/or needs identified by public institutions. Within the scope of these calls, projects submitted by using the knowledge, researchers and infrastructure opportunities of universities, public R&D units and private institutions are supported.
In addition to the primary goal of meeting the R&D qualified needs of public institutions, there are 3 different subgoals of this program. These subgoals are listed below;
- Encouraging the cooperation between public, private institutions and universities,
- Targeting industrial production based on knowledge and high technology by using the results of basic and applied research in universities,
- Contributing to the employment of R&D personnel in the country.
Projects submitted to the 1007 Program are supported by two Research Support Groups.
KAMAG - Public Research Support Group
SAVTAG - Defense and Security Technologies Research Support Group
Public institutions that need solutions based on R&D and undertake the implementation of the project results are included in the program as "Customer Institution". Project preparation and project execution, skills, experience and infrastructure; The public R&D unit, university and/or private institution where the project is carried out are included in the program as the "Project Executive Organization".
The projects to be supported can be of three different qualities according to their outputs:
- Prototype/System/Pilot Facility Project: Projects with the potential of commercialization as well as meeting the needs of the customer institution, whose output is a prototype, system or pilot facility, where the needs of the customer institution are met by reproducing the prototype, using the system directly or by reproducing, or converting the pilot facility into a large facility.
- Model/Method/Process Project: Projects whose output is a model, method or process, where the needs of the customer institution are met by the direct use of these outputs, and the commercialization potential is not a priority.
- Technology Knowledge Project: Projects aimed at gaining technological knowledge, where the output cannot be used directly on an industrial scale, for the purpose of gaining the competence to produce products that do not have a technological potential for domestic production.
The Customer Institution submits the Project Results Implementation Plan (PSUP), which it undertakes to use the outputs of the projects supported under the 1007 Program, to TÜBİTAK. According to this plan, TÜBİTAK monitors the transfer of the project results to the application by the customer institution. In technology knowledge projects, Technology Acquisition Roadmap (TKYH) is prepared by the project coordinator organizations instead of PSUP, and the technology development process is followed in line with this roadmap.
The maximum support period for a project in 1007 program is 48 months.
Budget upper limits are determined during the call process and vary according to the subject and scope of the call.
Personnel (executive, researcher, consultant, scholar), machinery-equipment, consumables, service procurement and travel expenses are supported by 100%. Machinery-equipment demands of private institutions that can also be used for mass production are supported by a maximum of 40%. In addition, 10% of the institution's share and the Continuity of Knowledge and Acquisitions Budget are given, not to exceed 20% of the project budget.
Needs Analysis Process
The Customer Institution prepares its R&D qualified needs in accordance with the format determined by TÜBİTAK and sends it to TÜBİTAK. The subjects to be called for projects are determined among the mentioned R&D qualified needs.
Focus Group process
Focus Group work is carried out with the participation of customer institution representatives, subject matter experts and TÜBİTAK experts in order to prepare the call document regarding the identified need areas.
Call Process
Announcement and call document regarding the calls are published on the TÜBİTAK website. In cases where the publication of the project call is inconvenient in terms of security, the call announcement is not made on the official website of TÜBİTAK, and a call invitation is sent to the relevant organization(s).
Application Process
Project applications are received in two stages. However, when deemed necessary, directly II. Phase project proposals may be requested.
For KAMAG, applications are submitted electronically. Only pages that require signature are requested in print.
For SAVTAG, the Project Proposal Forms prepared by Program Manager Organization (PYÖK)/ Project Executive Organization (PYK) in the format determined in line with the Call Document and in accordance with the 1007 Program purpose are hand-delivered.
Evaluation process
Project proposals; It is evaluated by the relevant Group within the framework of the project evaluation criteria determined by TÜBİTAK.
In the project evaluation process, on-site inspections can be carried out at these institutions and organizations in order to evaluate the R&D capabilities of private institutions and public R&D units/centers (including centers at universities).
First Stage Evaluation is done by the Commission composed of subject experts. Commission evaluation of phase I project proposals; (1) Compliance with the call, (2) R&D Quality, (3) Feasibility.
The Second Stage Evaluation is done by the Panel of subject matter experts. II. technical panel evaluation of phase project proposals; It is based on four criteria: (1) R&D Quality, (2) Method, (3) Feasibility, and (4) Budgetary Appropriateness. In addition, a detailed budget evaluation is made in line with the budgetary justifications presented in the project proposal.
Monitoring Process
Scientific, technical, administrative and financial monitoring and supervision activities of the projects are carried out by customer institution representatives, subject experts determined by TÜBİTAK and TÜBİTAK experts, when necessary, in line with the Progress Reports determined according to the project intermediate outputs, work packages and project stages. In addition, monthly progress reports and monitoring are made for KAMAG projects, the details of the monitoring issues in SAVTAG projects are specified in the call documents.
For information about active calls and applications:
To get information about active calls:
Who Can Be a Customer Institution (MK)?
The Presidency, the Presidency of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the Prime Ministry and Ministries and their affiliated, related and related institutions/organizations can be the Customer Institution. However, the main service units of these organizations cannot be MK.
Who Can Be a Project Executive Organization (PYK)?
Project applications can be made by universities, public R&D units, private organizations or consortia formed by them.
Who can take part in the project?
A. Project Coordinator, Researcher (except foreign researcher), Consultant and Assistant Staff
The executives, researchers or consultants who will take part in the project team;
In case they are university personnel; They must have a doctorate/medical specialization degree and have studies (publication, project, report, etc.) showing that they have sufficient knowledge about the project.
In case they work in public institutions or private organizations; They must have at least four years of undergraduate education in their field of expertise and have studies (publication, project, report, etc.) showing that they have sufficient knowledge about the project.
Retirees who do not work in any organization can take part in the project team as researchers or consultants, provided that they do not receive a project incentive bonus (PTİ). Retirees must be working full-time in any organization in order to be a project manager.
B. Scholar
"Students" or "Research Assistants" in student status, who are continuing their postgraduate (Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate) education in higher education institutions established in Turkey, and those who do not work in any institution / workplace, who do not have a doctorate, and who have not completed their doctorate / medical specialization degree. Those who meet the condition that the period between the date of admission and the application deadline of the relevant program which is not more than 5 years can take part in the project team as post-doctoral fellows.
Who Cannot Take Part in the Project?
Undersecretary, deputy undersecretary, general manager, assistant general manager, hospital manager, chief physician for public institutions, and rector, vice-rector, dean, chief physician and general secretary for universities cannot be part of the project team in 1007 Program projects.
Applications for KAMAG are received electronically for both Stage 1 and Stage 2.
You can access the electronic application system at
The documents that must be submitted with wet signatures are listed below.
Stage One Documentation
Documents to be submitted with wet signature in the first stage:
- Declarations of Acceptance and Commitment pages,
- Institutional R&D Capability Self-Assessment Form (Private sector organizations must submit the Institutional R&D Capability Self-Assessment Form in every project application, when public R&D units and R&D centers in universities apply to the 1007 Program for the first time.),
- TÜBİTAK Presidency Approval Letter (In case there is an executive/researcher/consultant from TUBITAK Centers/Institutes in the project team),
- Other requested documents specific to the call.
While applying for the project, the most up-to-date versions of the aforementioned forms/documents must be downloaded from the electronic application system.
Second Stage Documentation
Documents to be submitted with wet signature in the second stage:
- Declarations of Acceptance and Commitment pages,
- Relevant documents Containing Project Team's Signatures,
- Workload Commitment Document,
- Other requested documents specific to the call.
Not all electronic application printouts should be submitted. If a document other than the specified documents is submitted, it will not be considered in the evaluation.
- Stage I Suggestion Form
- Call Document Request Form
- SAVTAG_Call Document Delivery Report
- II. Stage Suggestion Form and Attachments
Evaluation of Phase I Project Applications
Evaluation of phase I project proposals; (1) Compliance with the call, (2) R&D Quality, (3) Feasibility.
The first stage project proposals are evaluated by the commission consisting of subject experts.
In addition, Institutional R&D Capability Evaluation can be conducted to evaluate the R&D capabilities of private institutions and public R&D units/centers (including centers at universities). In this context, the R&D capabilities of the organizations are evaluated in line with the following headings by conducting on-site examinations.
Institutional R&D Capability Evaluation,
- R&D Management,Technological Assets and Management,
- R&D Human Resources and Management,
- Information Resources Management,
- Intellectual Property Management,
- Project management,
- R&D Experience,
covers the criteria.
A 2nd stage project proposal is requested for the projects in which the project coordinator organizations that successfully pass the evaluation are involved. Organizations that do not have sufficient R&D capability as a result of the evaluation cannot take part in the project or the project is not supported.
II. Evaluation of Stage Project Applications
II. technical evaluation of phase project proposals; It is made by a panel of experts on four criteria: (1) R&D Qualification, (2) Method, (3) Feasibility, and (4) Affordability of the Budget. Projects submitted under the same call are evaluated in the same panel. As a result of the panel evaluation, the decision to revise or reject the projects is made by TÜBİTAK.
Revision Evaluation
Revision is requested in line with the panel recommendations for the project proposals for which a revision decision is made as a result of the panel evaluation. The appropriateness of the revisions is evaluated and a budget panel evaluation is made for the projects that are found sufficient.
Budget Panel Evaluation
The project budget is evaluated by the panel consisting of subject experts in line with the budget justifications presented in the project proposal, proforma invoices and letters of offer, consultancy/service procurement documents. Contract preparations are started for the project proposals, which are revised in accordance with the budget panel evaluation.
- Stage I Project Proposal Evaluation Form
- Stage I Project Proposal Evaluation Form (For SAVTAG Projects)
- Panelist R&D Capability Evaluation Form
- II. Stage Project Proposal Evaluation Form.
TÜBİTAK-Public Research Support Group
TÜBİTAK Additional Service Building İşçi Blokları District,
Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cad. No:51/C Cankaya, ANKARA
Tel: (0312) 298 1303
Fax: (0312) 428 0933
TÜBİTAK- Defense and Security Technologies Research Support Group
Atatürk Bulvarı No:221 06100 Kavaklidere/ANKARA
Tel: (0312) 298 9600
For your questions and concerns about the 1007 Program:
TÜBİTAK Supports Forum
444 66 90
Application Process
- Limits to Take Part in Projects
- Project Personnel Support Upper Limits
- Approved Salary Payroll Information Table
Evaluation process
- Project Coordinator Organization Panel Presentation Draft
- Panelist Guide
- Moderators Guide
Monitoring Process
- Project Executive Establishment Opening Meeting Presentation Draft
- Intellectual Product Notification Form (for KAMAG) (NEW)
- Intellectual Product Notification Form
- Knowledge and Acquisition Continuity (BKS) Information Note for KAMAG Projects
Finalization Process
- Project Results Implementation Plan (PSUP) (used for PSUP revision.)
- PSUP Application Tracking Form (Used after the result report is accepted.)
- Project Results Implementation Plan (PSUP) (used for PSUP revision.)
- PSUP Application Tracking Form (Used after the result report is accepted.)