1507 - TUBITAK SME R&D Start-up Support Program


R&D is innovative activities carried out on a systematic basis in order to increase scientific and technical knowledge, and the use of knowledge in new applications (product, process). Innovation, on the other hand, refers to a set of scientific, technological, financial and commercial activities aimed at transforming an idea into an improved or new and salable product or process.

With the 1507 SME R&D Startup Support Program, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can be more competitive by improving their technology and innovation capacities, be able to carry out systematic projects, develop products with high added value, have a corporate research technology development culture, national and international support to take part more effectively in their programmes.

1507 SME R&D Support Program is carried out on call.

The support provided is in the form of grants (non-refundable).

Unless otherwise stated in the call announcement, there is no subject limitation for projects. Applications can be made for R&D projects from all sectors and all technology fields.

The project support period is specified in the call announcement and cannot exceed 18 months in accordance with the Implementation Principles of the Program. The project budget is maximum 3.000,000 TL. It is aimed to support the first 5 projects of the company, both of which are partners, by TUBITAK. Limit on the number of projects to be submitted within the scope of the call, etc. other special conditions are specified in the call announcements.

Scope of Support

Within the scope of the 1507- SME R&D Initial Support Program, within the framework of the definition of innovation; R&D projects are supported to produce a new product, to develop or improve an existing product, to increase product quality or standard, or to develop new techniques and production technologies with a cost-reducing nature. The support rate of the program is applied as 75%.

The items of expenses supported within the scope of the program are listed below.

a) Personnel expenses,

b) Travel expenses,

c) Equipment, software and publication purchase expenses,

d) Material and consumable expenses,

e) Domestic and international consultancy services and other service procurement expenses,

f) R&D service expenses related with R&D institutions and organizations.


Project proposals are sent to TÜBİTAK via PRODİS (Project Evaluation and Monitoring System) (http://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr). Project proposals are evaluated by experts and committees, and projects elected are supported. A contract is signed between the company and TUBITAK for the supported projects.

The company carries out the project and submits the period report (R&D Assistance Request Form) containing the project expenses and project activities to TÜBİTAK in six-month periods. During the monitoring phase, TÜBİTAK assigns an expert audience, monitors the progress of the projects and makes the support payment.

An additional Project Final Report is prepared in the last period of the project.

Commercialization Processes of the completed project are followed.

Important Points

The 1507 Program has been made more advantageous for SMEs. The important changes made are: Within the scope of the program, SMEs were given the right to receive 75% grant support for their first five projects, provided that at least two of them were joint applications. The project budget is maximum 3.000.000 TL. In the first applications of SMEs, which were established within the scope of 1512 “TÜBİTAK Individual Entrepreneurship Progressive Support Program” or benefited from Techno-enterprise Capital Support within the scope of Law No. 5746; Advantages such as evaluating the applications with special criteria, paying general expenses up to 10% of the budget to the supported projects, and making more than one transfer payment (prepayment) were provided.

Who Can Apply?

Only capital companies established in Turkey, which are at SME scale, can apply to the 1507- SME R&D Support Program. SME Declaration and SME Declaration Click for information note.

How To Apply

All SMEs established in Turkey may apply to project calls being opened twice a year through an online application system (eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr). Number of projects that can be supported by the program is limited for each applicant unless otherwise is stated in the project call. Project call announcements can be followed on TÜBİTAK website (www.tubitak.gov.tr). Project applications are submitted to TÜBİTAK via the PRODİS application by the following link: https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr.

Application deadlines are specified in call announcements.


Project proposals are evaluated according to the following three dimensions:

   I. Dimension: Industrial R&D Content, Technology Level, Innovative Aspect

   II. Dimension: Appropriateness of Project Plan and Establishment Infrastructure for the Project

   III. Dimension: Transformability of Project Outcomes into Economic Benefit and National

Projects are reported to TUBITAK after evaluation by company visits by expert referees. Based on the evaluation reports,  the projects are evaluated by the relevant technology group executive committee and the final decision is made.

Projects are monitored and supported by the audience(s) on a semi-annual basis. In the last period of the project, the project final report is submitted by the organization. 


lease follow the link below for the evaluation forms which will be used during the review process: https://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/destekler/sanayi/ulusal-destek-programlari/1507/icerik-formlar


Please follow the link below for the program documents and forms which will be used during the project monitoring process: https://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/destekler/sanayi/ulusal-destek-programlari/1507/icerik-formlar-0

Who can apply?

Capital companies of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) scale resident in Turkey can apply.

When are the applications made?

Applications to the 1507 SME R&D Startup Support Program are made according to the call announcements. Call announcements can be followed at www.tubitak.gov.tr. In general, there are two calls per year and applications are generally made in January-February and July-August.

How to apply?

Project applications are made online at https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr.

What should be the project topic?

Unless otherwise stated in the call announcement, there is no subject limitation. Applications can be made for R&D projects from all sectors and in all technology areas.

What is the support rate and what is the maximum project budget?

Unless otherwise stated in the call announcement, the support rate is 75% and the maximum project budget is 2.400.000-TL

Which expenses are supported?

The following expenses related to the R&D activities in the project are supported:

a. Personnel expenses,

b. Travel expenses of project personnel (except economy class and local)

c. Purchase of tools, equipment, software and publications (excluding expenses for production infrastructure),

d. Materials and consumables,

e. Domestic and international consultancy and other service procurement expenses (CPA and preparation of AGY101 and AGY301 documents are included).

f. Expenses for R&D services provided to universities, R&D units affiliated to TÜBİTAK, private sector R&D organizations and similar R&D institutions and organizations in Turkey.

How many projects can be submitted?

The first five projects of the companies are supported, provided that at least two of them are partners (After the first five supports, other programs should be applied for).

Can we apply for projects we have done in the past?

No, we cannot. Projects whose R&D activities were completed before the project application are not supported.

Can the support be taken back?

Normally, it is not withdrawn. However, in projects that are abolished due to the intent of the organization, all payments made are collected from the organization by applying default interest at the rates specified in Law No. 6183 (see 1507 Program Implementation Principles).

If the project fails, will the support be withdrawn?

No, (See also the answer of the question: “Can the support given be withdrawn?")

Can we sell the project output?

Yes, the project output can be sold (NOTE: If the project output is sold to a public institution or organization, the support will be withheld. Detailed information can be found in Article 8 of the 1507 Program Implementation Principles titled "Reduction of support from public sources")

Who owns the intellectual property rights of the project?

In the event that an intellectual product such as an invention (patent, utility model), industrial design (work, integrated circuit topographers and technical information) that may be subject to intellectual and industrial property arises during or as a result of the execution of the supported project, the relevant provisions of the Law on the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey dated 17/7/1963 and numbered 278 shall apply. All intellectual and industrial rights that may arise in relation to the projects decided to be supported are transferred to the disposal of the organization.

Will our project information fall into the hands of competitors?

TÜBİTAK keeps the information provided in the project confidential. Project information is considered "commercial confidential information" or "service-specific information" and is not transferred to anyone other than those involved in the evaluation.

How is the project evaluated?

Projects are evaluated according to three main dimensions;

Dimension I: Industrial R&D Content, Technology Level and Innovative Aspects of the Project

II: Dimension: Suitability of the Project Plan and Organizational Infrastructure for the Project

III. Transformability of Project Outputs into Economic Benefits and National Gains

Projects that are deemed appropriate as a result of the preliminary evaluation are evaluated by referees who are experts in their fields. After the referee evaluation, the projects are scored by the board of the relevant technology groups within TEYDEB and the projects deemed appropriate are supported with the approval of the Presidency.

Where can I get help about PRODIS?

It is recommended to visit https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr/sss.htm.

How is the Tecnology Readiness Level (TRL) determined for our project?

TÜBİTAK Technology and Innovation Funding Programs Department (TEYDEB)

For project specific or technical questions, please use the contact information of the relevant group.


e-mail adress: 1507@tubitak.gov.tr

General Info

Scope of Support
Important Points


Who Can Apply?
How To Apply





