Scope and Aim of the Program
1511 - Research Technology Development and Innovation Projects in Priority Areas G. P. (Technology Focused Industrial Movement Program)
Technology Focused Industrial Movement Program (HAMLE) is a special program that the purpose of increasing the value-added production in Turkey, the support and incentives provided by the T.R. Ministry of Industry and Technology, TUBITAK and KOSGEB medium-high and high-tech to focused the level of the industry. This Program is targeted towards investments aiming to produce high-value added products in high-technology or medium-high-technology sectors.
Within the scope of the program, the aim is to increase the production capacity in the critical and high future potential products for Turkey. It is aimed to realize the investment projects that will contribute to the technological development that our country needs, with an end-to-end governance and support model.
If R&D is required for the eligible investment projects, TUBİTAK will support, monitor and conclude the R&D part of the projects in line with the procedures and principles specified in the 1511 Priority Areas Research, Technology Development and Innovation Program code of practice.
Rate of Support
SMEs receive 75% and large firms receive 60% of all eligible project expenditures as grants. 10% of expenses are also included in the budget as compensation of project based overhead expenses.
In the projects supported within the scope of the Technology Focused Industrial Movement Program, the service purchase expense of the Institution's Independent Evaluation Report is only supported by the amount determined by the Board of Directors for large-scale companies.
Transfer payment (prepayment) can be given.
Support Duration: Upper limit for the support duration is specified in call announcements. For call announcements:
Scope of Support
- Personnel Costs
- Travel Costs
- Tools, equipment, software and technical documents costs,
- R&D service expenses,
- Consultancy or other services costs,
- Materials and Consumables Costs,
- General Operating Costs.
Project Application and Evaluation Process
1) Call Announcement:
The Call Announcement, which includes the application conditions such as the Priority Product List subject to the call, the project budget upper limit, the project duration upper limit, the call calendar, and defines the matters that will constitute an exception to the articles specified in these application principles, especially for the call, if necessary. It is published by the Ministry of Industry and Technology at
2) Project Application:
Applications are received online through the Program Portal application on the Technology Focused Industrial Movement Program website.
3) Registration and Authorization for Project Application:
Pre-registration and authorization processes for project applications within the framework of the Technology Focused Industrial Movement Program. It will be carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Technology. (There will be no pre-registration by TÜBİTAK.)
Application procedures will be carried out by authorized persons on behalf of the companies through the Program Portal.
4) Application Process
Only capital companies residing in Turkey will be able to apply within the scope of the call.
Applications will be received by completing the preliminary application and final application stages within the call calendar.
5) Project Proposal Information Form
During the final application period, companies requesting R&D support must complete the R&D support forms regarding the R&D process, with the guidance made on the Program Portal.
The date on which the project proposal information form is sent via PRODİS is considered as the application date of the R&D project.
In the R&D support forms, the subject and objectives of the project, its relationship with the subject and scope of the call, success criteria, scientific and technological quality, work-time plan, information on the infrastructure and project management of the institution where the project will be carried out, the expected value in terms of added value, efficiency and competitiveness. The Project Proposal Information Form (AGY111), which includes information on the contribution, objectives and strategies for the dissemination of the technical know-how and estimated cost forms, should be prepared. The date it is sent via PRODİS is considered as the project application date.
6) Evaluation and Decision Process:
Projects whose final applications are completed on the Program Portal within the calendar stipulated in the call plan are evaluated.
After the final application is completed, detailed evaluation processes will be initiated. In order to continue the evaluation activities, the Independent Evaluation Report, which will be prepared by the authorized independent consultancy firm appointed by the Ministry, must be uploaded to the Program Portal in electronic environment within the time specified in the call calendar.
In cases where there is a need for R&D in order to produce the product subject to the project, the R&D project evaluation process is carried out within the scope of the relevant TUBITAK support program, including the determination of whether it is technically possible to manufacture the product within the framework of the project plan. In special cases where only production-oriented investment is required without the need for R&D, or where R&D activity is only expected to be complementary or developing, the technological readiness level of the product applied for the production investment part of the project, whether the product and the investor are ready for production from a technical point of view. TÜBİTAK examines whether it is technically possible to produce the product with the activities to be carried out within the framework of the project planning.
The TÜBİTAK evaluation process for the projects submitted under the Technology Focused Industrial Movement Program and requesting R&D support is as follows:
-Preliminary examination is made by the designated project technical specialist. As a result of the preliminary examination, projects that do not have any project personnel with at least a bachelor's degree related to the project subject can be submitted to the GYK with a rejection proposal without the appointment of a referee.
-Projects that pass the preliminary examination are evaluated by expert referees.
- After the preliminary examination, the R&D part of the projects is evaluated by the referees and then by the GYK under the following three dimensions:
• Industrial R&D content, technology level and innovative aspect of the project,
• The suitability of the project plan and the infrastructure of the organization,
• Transformability of project outputs into economic benefits and national gains.
- Commission evaluation is carried out for projects whose R&D evaluation has been completed.
- The projects are submitted to the Committee for evaluation together with the relevant review reports and commission decisions. The committee evaluates the projects;
a) To be able to meet the critical needs of our country that may arise in the current situation or in the future,
b) Ensuring supply security for products with insufficient production capacity in our country,
c) Developing our country's technology capacity in areas with technology gaps,
ç) Reducing import dependency in areas with foreign trade deficit,
d) Having high added value,
e) Enabling production by using new generation technologies, the production of which is limited in our country,
f) To gain competitive power to our country in different sectors,
g) To accelerate the technological transformation in the sectors with which it interacts and to contribute to the development of these sectors,
ğ) Being an innovative and R&D based investment,
h) Being an investment in the production of high value-added processed products to be realized in sectors that negatively affect the current account balance and where there is a shortage of raw materials,
ı) Being an investment in integrated production that enables the evaluation of the raw material potential of our country,
i) Having financial adequacy,
j) To be aimed at producing products that are supported in terms of demand or that are accessible, sufficient and have a developing market potential, with the purchase commitment of the project stakeholder,
It scores on the project evaluation form published on the Program Portal, in which the qualifications are weighted. The committee determines the projects to be supported by prioritizing the projects that score 70 and above according to constraints and criteria such as strategic priorities, market competition conditions, call support budget, project duration.
Among the projects for which decision proposals are drawn up by the Project Commission, the scope of support and the contract for those deemed appropriate by the Technology Focused Industrial Movement Program Evaluation Committee, and the grounds for rejection for other projects are notified to the Organization by TUBITAK.
7) Sending Decision Results to Firms:
Decision results are reported to all firms. If the project is deemed worthy of support, the scope of the support and project contract send to the firm. If the project is not funded, grounds for rejection are sent to firms.
8) Project Contract:
The company signs two copies of the project contracts and sends them back to TÜBİTAK. A contract is also signed by TÜBİTAK and the monitoring phase of the project begins.
9) Project Support Process (Project monitoring phase):
A calendar year is divided into two period; First period January 01 - June 30, second period has been set as July 01 - December 31. AGY311 covering these period ranges for support payments are submitted to TÜBİTAK at the latest by the end of the second month following the realization period.
If the project is deemed worthy of support, then one of the referees is assigned to follow up the project with on-site visits in six-month increments, with all expenses audited by an independent auditor. The project monitoring referee gives a report to TUBITAK, and the latter reviews the project and the expenses and pays the amount of expenses multiplied by the programme’s grant ratio.
Click here for the Technology Focused Industrial Movement Program calls.
SMEs and large firms established in Turkey may benefit from the support program.
Please follow the link below for the program forms and documents which will be used during the application process:
Evaluation Criteria are presented in the "General Information - Process" section.
Evaluation Process is presented in the "General Info - Process" section.
Please follow the link below for the program documents and forms which will be used during the project monitoring process:
The Monitoring Method is presented in the “General Information – Process” section.
The organization must be visited on-site.
It is not appropriate to present investment-related expenses within the R&D budget. The budget for the R&D part is evaluated based on the needs of the R&D activities to be carried out.
Within the scope of the HAMLE Program, when activities such as the development of embedded software within hardware or the development of a software ecosystem as an integrated product are carried out, they become commercializable products. Therefore, for the formation of a software-intensive structure that can be commercialized, there needs to be a production and sales plan.
Reviewers can access the Word format of the Investment Application Review Report by clicking the link in the "Project Information Page", "Evaluation Report", "2.4. Investment Application Review Report" section and prepare their report.
While it is not mandatory, it is recommended that consultants, whom you consider to be of critical importance to the project, attend the meeting.
Every project completed within the scope of the HAMLE Program is expected to be converted into an investment and move into production. If the project's ultimate goal is just to create a prototype, it is not a project compatible with the HAMLE Program.
If there is a production target for other products besides the main product within the scope of the project, both R&D and investment support can be provided.
The project is expected to have a high R&D quality, be innovative, and have superior features compared to existing counterparts.
In terms of compliance with the call, the product to be produced must have GTIP codes listed in the Priority Product List and/or be compatible with innovative technology areas in terms of the product or production technology.
TÜBİTAK does not conduct any price evaluation in investment assessments. The suitability of the type and capacity of the requested expenses for the investment is evaluated.
You can access the call announcements within the scope of the HAMLE Program at
There is a Project Feasibility format that companies need to fill out, created by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.
There is no minimum TRL requirement.
No, there is not.
There is no obligation for all expense forms to be filled out.
It is not expected to submit any invoice or proforma at the application stage.
In projects where the R&D part is deemed unsuitable, companies can carry out the R&D part with their own resources and continue to receive investment support.
It is expected that the project manager will be present at the meeting during the site visits conducted by the reviewers.
Having determined the investment location is an advantage for the project. If not determined, it may be considered a risk factor.
Since the HAMLE program is a special program provided through a single-window mechanism with investment incentives provided by the Ministry, and project support provided by KOSGEB and TÜBİTAK, a strict timetable has been established for evaluation periods. Therefore, adherence to the expected report submission times is very important.
TÜBİTAK Technology and Innovation Funding Programs Department (TEYDEB)
For program specific questions please use ve adresses, for technical questions about projects please use the contact information of the relevant group: