1702 - Patent Based Technology Transfer Support Call


The program aims the transfer and commercialization of patented technologies which are developed by higher education councils, research infrastructures, public enterprises, public research centers and institutes and early stage technology companies, as a result of scientific R&D and innovation activities to the capital companies located in Turkey by licensing or assignment methods.

Total budget of the Project is maximum 4 M₺ (Four Million Turkish Liras).

Maximum project duration is 60 months. Minimum project duration is 24 months.

For the patents subject to the license or assignment, it can be applied for the Project with the certificate of registration or it can be applied with the search report if not registered yet. Search report is not necessary for the application if it is not received yet. License or assignment fees of the patents that submitted with the search reports will be supported after the patent is registered during support period. Patents subject to the project should have at least a 10-years protection time period.

All information related to the Patent Based Technology Transfer Support Call is detailed in the call document.

Scope of Support

Support rate is determined separately according to each patent licensed or assigned in the scope of the Project. Base rate of the support is min. 25%. There is a 15% additional support rate which will be provided in case if the client is SME, another 15% additional support if patent is a high technology and another 10% support also in the case of registration of patent in EPO, USPTO, JPO, CNIPA, KIPO. In case of there is a bundle of patents in the license agreement, there will be an additional support as 10 %. Finally, for the projects in the scope of Green Deal, there will be another support as 15 %.

Supported costs: License/assignment costs, training and consultancy services, patent valuation services

Who can apply?

A specialized R&D and Innovation Platform led by the private sector, in collaboration with universities and the government can appply.


Supported projects are monitored each year.

At the beginning of each monitoring period, the client deposits contribution into the project account. Then, the support provided by TUBITAK to the project is transferred to the project account.


TEYDEB Teknoloji Transfer Mekanizmaları Destekleme Grubu

E-Mail: esra.yardimoglu@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel: 0-312-2989350

Fatih Mert ÇİFTÇİ
Tel: 0-312-2989411
E-Mail: mert.ciftci@tubitak.gov.tr

Hamdi AKSU
E-Mail: hamdi.aksu@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel: 0-312-2989410

Hamit TAŞ
E-Mail: hamit.tas@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel: 0-312-2989508

E-Mail: onur.ulgen@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel: 0-312-2989693

General Info

Scope of Support


Who can apply?



