The main theme of the project has been determined as creation of an "affluent society" which,
- is competent in science and technology;
- uses technology consciously and capable of developing new technologies;
possesses the skill of converting technological developments into social and economic benefits;
in the 100th Anniversary of our Republic in line with the target pointed out by Ataturk as reaching the level of modern civilizations.The project plans to cover the following activities:
- Assessment of current status of Turkey in the field of science and technology
- Assessment of the long termed scientific and technological developments in the world
- Identification of the strategic technologies required for achievement of said targets
- Recommendation of policies aiming at development and/or acquisition of said technologies.
Vision 2023 Project is composed of the following sub-projects:
- Technology Foresight Project
- National Technology Competence Inventory Project
- Researcher Information System Project
- TÜBİTAK National Research Infrastructure Information System Project
The task of implementation of the Technology Foresight Project in coordination with the related institutions and establishments, pursuant to the decision of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology, constitutes the main axis of the Vision 2023 Project which has been assigned to TÜBİTAK.
The foresight panels, formed in 12 socio-economic areas commenced their activities in July 2002. The panels completed their preliminary reports in July 2003 and presented these to the opinion and recommendation of the related sectors. Delphi inquiry, realized in order to extend the content of the preliminary report and to call for opinions of the experts, was completed in July 2003. The panel conclusion reports were completed in July 2003 with due consideration of the opinions and recommendations obtained from the extension activities and the output of the Delphi query.
The conclusion reports were synthesized and 8 strategic technological areas, on which all panels have focused, were determined by June 2004, and "strategic technology roadmaps" were elaborated after formation of the workgroups on said areas.
Strategy document, covering the science and technology policies for the next 20 years of Turkey, has been elaborated with the assessment of namely the outputs of the foresight project, synthesis report, Delphi findings and the outputs of the strategic technology workgroups.
The strategy document, which were presented for consideration to the member establishments of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology in April 2004 were finalized in line with the official opinions and recommendations, and presented in the SCST meeting in March 2005.
A comprehensive survey was applied to approximately 2500 firms in February-March 2003 in order to determine the technological competence level of Turkey within the scope of the National Technology Competence Inventory Project. The analysis of the survey was completed in September 2004 and the report provided objective data to the technology Foresight Project.
Turkish National Researcher Information Sysytem (ARBİS) has been designed as a system for the research personnel in universities, public and private sector establishments in Turkey and the Turkish researchers serving abroad. ARBIS is a dynamic system which provides collection of researcher information and updates collected data and evaluation of said data by different establishments for different purposes. The planned outputs of this system are;
- Compilation of data on areas of scientific activities of the researchers inland and abroad, industrial work branches on which the R&D activities may be applied and the products and technologies developed as a result of said activities;
- creation of the national scientists database; and
bibliometrical analysis.
Researchers that fill in the Researcher Information Compilation Form at are entitled to be included into databases for various purposes such as;
- Referee and observer pools for project support and career programs conducted by TÜBİTAK Research Groups, TÜBİTAK-TİDEB;
- Partners search on the web page ( ) was opened by TÜBİTAK for the EU Sixth Framework Program for participating in discussion forums, sending and receiving email platforms. Again the researchers are able to benefit from the services of running queries and access science and technology indicators. Researchers with approved registration in ARBİS are construed as having fulfilled one of the prerequisites for activities such as application to TÜBİTAK projects and provision of referee-observer services.
ARBIS researcher query service is now accessible. Information may be obtained to the extent permitted by the researcher with this service.
In conclusion, prevention of repetition of non-changing information and constant updating of the information is made possible with ARBIS.
TÜBİTAK National Research Infrastructure Information System (TARABİS) is a web-based application designed and developed by TÜBİTAK. It aims to create the database for machine/system/device stock related to research, experimental development, test/analysis, diagnosis activities and R&D project accumulation.
By means of TARABİS, it is possible to obtain coded information about features, location, and capacity of machine/system/device related to research, experimental development, test/analysis, diagnosis activities and industrial business line in which this potential could be used together with the products and technologies developed as a result of these studies.
Information entered to TARABİS by unit/division executives enables:
- Querying to the extend allowed by unit/division executives,
- Collaboration and communication in product and technology development activities between the laboratories and industry,
- Assistance in finding the sources required to improve capacity and competence of the laboratories,
- Increase in the joint projects performed in the laboratories.