Defense and Security R&D Projects Supported by TUBITAK SAVTAG Signed

21 May 2018
Four R & D Projects in the field of defense and security technologies, supported by TUBITAK Research and Support Group for Defense and Security Technologies (SAVTAG) were signed with a ceremony at TUBITAK Feza Gürsey Conference Hall.

Four R & D Projects in the field of defense and security technologies, supported by TUBITAK Research and Support Group for Defense and Security Technologies (SAVTAG) under the Program for Supporting Public Institutions Research and Development Projects (1007) were signed with a ceremony attended by Undersecretary of Defense İndustry, Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir and the President of TUBITAK, Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal.

Speaking at the signing ceremony held at TUBITAK Feza Gürsey Conference Hall, TUBITAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal reminded Turkey's targets to be one of the 10 largest economies in the world in line with the 2023 targets. Pointing out that this is possible not only with economic indicators but also with critical Technologies, Prof. Mandal emphasized that the process within the scope of the four signed projects will contribute significantly to our country's 2023 targets. Prof. Mandal said "When we look at critical technologies, the greatest feature of the 10 largest countries is that they are capable of doing their own domestic and national technologies themselves. When every work done in the civil sector in our country is focused on research-technology development-innovation, the reference point is that processes starting with the defense industry can be an example to other sectors as well.” Drawing attention to the importance of educating qualified personnel and qualified human resources, Prof. Mandal emphasized that these two elements are key concepts in achieving success. “There are two key concepts or processes here; focused processes of raising qualified knowledge and qualified human resources. When we call qualified information, it is not a single institution responsible for it. There are many issues involved in the relationship and cooperation, so our entire project today is a collaboration process that basically bumps into the core, "he said.

Underlining that all four processes, from design to prototype of the product development, are included in the Project, Prof. Mandal explained that the experiences gained here will provide significant contributions to future similar programs. Prof. Mandal said: "Our four projects are based on the fact that the level of technology readiness level is 7. At the point of its actors, we have all the processes from the development of the technology to the development of the prototype product. The sensitivity dimension of the subject means the critical technology, but at the same time it brings the method of doing business to the forefront. How to do business; there is a needing authority, the requesting authority is transmitting the request. A collaborative platform is formed on demand and a result-oriented method is going towards it. This is something we need to gain more experience in the civilian sector. We are of the opinion that the gains gained here will make a significant contribution to the process of developing future process development and support programs at TUBITAK. "

Prof. Mandal said that the independent evaluation process for 4 projects is working and they are pleased to be in this process as TUBITAK. TUBITAK will continue to be the most important actor in the technology development process stressed Professor. Dr. Mandal and noted that the institution is ready to work for similar projects with its institutes. "TUBITAK is very pleased to be in the process with all its bodies as it has been to this day and wants to take important steps in the future with the important achievements of our country having these critical technologies" Prof. Mandal said "We have TUBITAK in the process, we have foundation companies, there are other companies. We think that the clarity of each role can make a significant contribution to the progress of all processes. As TUBITAK, we are ready to evaluate these processes. Today, we hold this meeting in this scope together with our Undersecretary of Defense. When we look towards the future, I can gladly say that TUBITAK will continue to be the most important actor in the development of critical technologies, especially in the process of technology development, at the point of our country's needs. I wish today's signature ceremony to be instrumental to our participants and to the good of our country. I would like to congratulate our colleagues, teams and companies who will take part in the projects.

Undersecretary for Defense Industries, Prof. İsmail Demir: “Turkey Has Become A Country Which Is Able To Design and Produce Her Own UAV, AUAV, Tank and Ship”

Having expressing that Turkey has become a country which is able to design and produce her own UAV, AUAV, tank and ship, Undersecretary for Defense Industries, Prof. İsmail Demir stated that “To be able to benefit such platforms functionally besides ground, naval and aerial platforms, mission and weapon systems are required. In this sense, the competences that our country will gain would provide a considerable advantage in the field.

By pointing out to the advanced technologies and its key role on the superiority of the knowledge of the countries, Prof. Demir reminded that Turkey has become a country which is able to design and produce her own unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), helicopter, tank and ship. Prof. Demir said that “To be able to benefit such platforms functionally besides ground, naval and aerial platforms, mission and weapon systems are required. The Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), has to work result-oriented by using, delivering and mobilizing the resources effectively, to be able to evoke the competences of our country and to facilitate coordination for the preparation to the types and surroundings of war. In this respect, we believe wholeheartedly that all the stakeholders should work together.”

Prof. Demir also has given information on the R&D projects of which the contracts have been signed. Prof Demir said that “With the Project MALAMAN, the national and local torpedoes have been developed. And the security of our coasts will be improved whenever these torpedoes have been taken into inventory. At the same time, since these torpedoes have the capability to be planted in the sea, our Naval Forces will improve their operational competences. In addition, with the Project GEMED, the assessment of a floating platform and it’s the sub-systems’ combat effectiveness; the analysis of the current or possible system and the capability requirements and the modelling of the physical characteristics of the platform and the environmental interactions will be realized and the capacity to the tactic development will be improved.” Prof Demir, also has given information on the projects called G1 and D1. He told that, “the electronic war can be defined as to disarm the enemy in the battlefield and to control and use the electromagnetic spectrum to improve the impacts of the allied elements. In this sense, the competences that our country will gain, would provide a considerable advantage in the field.”

Signature Ceremony

The signature ceremony for 4 R&D Projects has been held following the speeches of Prof. Mandal and Prof. Demir. The contracts have been signed by the Turkish Naval Forces Command Chief of Staff Rear Admiral Upper Half Cihat Yaycı, Head of Department of Resource Production Major General Reha Ufuk Er on behalf of Turkish General Staff Head of General Plan Principles, Turkish Land Forces Command Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Metin Gürak, Air Forces Command Chief of Staff Lieutenant General İsmail Güneykaya, Gendarmerie of Public Security Rear Admiral Upper Half Fuat Güney on behalf of Gendarmerie General Command, President of TUBITAK BİLGEM Hacı Ali Mantar, Head of TUBITAK SAGE Erdal Çakmak, Acting Board Chairman of ASELSAN Inc. Mustafa Şeker, Executive Director of Koç Information and Defense Systems Inc. and STM Inc. Deputy Director General Murat İkinci, in the custody of Prof. Mandal and Prof. Demir.