Our young scientists, who have been trained to represent our country in the international arena within the scope of 2202 Science Olympiads conducted under TÜBİTAK BİDEB, proudly fly our flag with their success in all competitions they participate in. In this context, our national team won 2 Gold, 2 Silver and 2 Bronze medals at the 65th International Mathematical Olympiad organized with the participation of 6 students. Barış KOYUNCU and Mehmet Can BAŞTEMİR won gold medals, Hakan GÖKDOĞAN and Mehmet Burak GÖNÜL won Silver medals and İrem Gülce YAZGAN and Selim DOĞAN won Bronze medals.
Additionally, İrem Gülce YAZGAN was awarded the Mirzakhani Award for being one of the top five female students from different continents who achieved the highest scores in the Olympiad.
We congratulate our national team students, who proudly represented our country and waved our flag with their success at the 65th International Mathematical Olympiad.
We are proud of the achievements of our students, who are future scientist candidates representing our country on the international stage. We extend our gratitude to all the students who participated in the Olympiad, their families, teachers, and all the academicians involved in the training, especially our Committee Chairs.