Nanotechnology Clustering Studies continue to be carried out by TUBITAK-MAM Coordination

29 May 2018
Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal participated in Process evaluation meeting related to nanotechnology cluster studies that is carried out in coordination with TUBITAK Marmara Research Center (MAM) in Ankara.

TUBITAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal participated in Process evaluation meeting related to nanotechnology cluster studies that is carried out in coordination with TUBITAK Marmara Research Center (MAM) at hall of Scientific Board of TUBITAK. Discussions were held on the Nanotechnology Cluster, which was presented to the Selection Committee of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and the negotiation protocol was signed at the meeting attended by the stakeholders in the Cluster Associate. TUBITAK MAM Specialist Namık Serkan Taşkıran gave a presentation on "Nanotechnology Cluster Initiative Roadmap and Business Model". After the presentation, President of TUBITAK Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal asked attendees' their expectations, opinions and suggestions about clustering. Prof. Mandal said that TUBITAK presidency is ready to give the needed support for clustering related issues and expressed his expectation of business model from the participants and said he expects the role of TUBITAK in clustering to be clearly defined.


A Nanotechnology Clustering Project was Approved by the Selection Committee of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology


The meeting held in the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology in September 2017 with participation of 30 private companies, 8 universities, 5 clusters of industry and commerce chamers with 38 million TL budget (19 Million TL was government contribution and the remaining amount were paid by the clustering stakeholders). At the meeting there were presentations giving detailed information about: how the stakeholders came together for the aim of public-private sectors collaboration in R&D, projects and their output and products, target sectors, and the existing public and private infrastructure in our country, global investments in nanotechnology and the targets of foreign countries, the contributions of nanotechnology to the economy of our country and the importance in high technology products, business cooperation between the sectors and the development of production capacity to private sector firms, market share increase, competitive advantej, development of products with high added value and how to improve existing technical infrastructures.


At the meeting, Defense and Space Industry proposed 2 projects, Aviation Industry 1 project, Machinery Industry 1 project, Automotive Industry 1 project, Composite Materials 1 project, Paint Industry 1 project, Construction Industry 1 project and Textile Industry 4 projects.


For the project which received the Selection Committee approval, a protocol was signed on 23.03.2018 and a 2 month period was given for the preparation of the business plan. The cluster needs to present its 5-year business plans to the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology within 9 business days.