Joint research projects will be supported within the scope of Cooperation Agreement between the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and Thailand National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA).
Scientists in Turkey who want to propose a joint research project must agree with the researcher(s) working in the research institutions in Thailand whom they will carry out the project together as "project partners". Unilateral project applications are not accepted.
These joint projects will be supported only in the following priority thematic areas:
- Food Safety & Agriculture
- Biomaterials, Biomedicine, Drug
- Sensors
Deadline for Applications: 8 June 2020
A maximum of 720.000 TL will be provided by TÜBİTAK for the research team in Turkey, and a maximum of 3.6 Million THB will be provided by NSTDA for the researchers in Thailand during the project period. The duration of projects is 36 months at maximum.
Within the scope of the respective call, 3 projects will be funded.
Detailed information about the call can be found here, please visit here for the online application system.