TÜBİTAK has launched a special call to support R&D projects aiming to find products that can be used in the diagnosis and treatment of the new type of coronavirus and to develop protective products that are effective in preventing diseases. Within the scope of this special call, 446 applications were received in one-week period.
Within the scope of this call, the evaluation processes of the project applications aiming to find immediate responses to the needs specific to COVID-19 including the protective products used in the diagnosis and treatment, diagnostic kits that make fast and reliable measurements, medicine, device, software, patient follow-up application have been completed.
During the evaluation processes, referee visits and Advisory / Group Executive Board meetings were held online and all applications were evaluated in less than two weeks.
As a result of these evaluations, it was found appropriate to support 35 projects with a budget of 13.4 Million TL in the fields of intensive care devices, diagnosis, mask, medicine, disinfection, other PPE (Personal Protective Clothing), informatics applications and vaccination to combat the epidemic.