Research universities, research centers of public institutions, research infrastructures with a legal entity status under the Law No. 6550 in Turkey entitled to receive grant within the MSCA 2021 COFUND call will be supported by the 2236B MSCA CO-FUND Contribution Fund to Fellowship Programs. The two highest-scoring projects will be funded within the program.
The institutions should apply to the MSCA 2021 COFUND Call to support incoming doctoral students or post-doctoral researchers and during the application process, they should not exceed the upper limits below:
Doctoral Students
- 2.800 € living and mobility allowance
- 500 € research costs
- 650 € management costs
Post-Doctoral Researchers
- 3.980 € living and mobility allowance
- 800 € research costs
- 650 € management costs
*Living and mobility allowance will be financed by the European Commission, and research & management costs(project management costs) will be given by TUBITAK.