Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods (ENPED) call aims to support the large-scale implementation of at least 100 PEDs by 2030. As an integral part of comprehensive sustainable urbanisation strategies, establishing Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods shifts the focus from the individual positive energy building towards neighbourhoods and thus a new level of impact on sustainable urban development and the energy transition process. The following countries and regions are participating in the CSP ERANET Additional Call: Austria, Brussels Capital Region, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, Romania, Sweden and Turkey. The consortium must include:
- At least two eligible applicants from at least two of the different countries participating in the call
- At least one city, municipality or entity providing key urban services for a city as an applicant (either main or co-applicant) or as co-operation partners.
Turkish researchers who want to submit a project to the call must apply to both the international call office (https://ecall.ffg.at/Cockpit/Home?fid=42529808 ) and TUBITAK. National project applications can only be made using electronic signature via the Project Application System (https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr). Project proposals to be submitted from our country within the scope of the aforementioned call will be supported within the scope of the Support Program for Increasing the Capacity to Benefit from TUBITAK 1071 International Research Funds and Participation in International R&D Collaborations. For the national application conditions of the relevant call please click here.
There will be information webinar on November 9th 2021 at 13.30 CET. The information webinar is an oppurtunity to ask questions to the call secretariat and to learn more about the call, the application process and the coming years. Register for the information webinar here
Furthermore, there will be an Online Matchmaking Event: Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for Climate Neutrality on November 24th 2021 at 13.30 CET. The Matchmaking Event provides an oppurtunity for digital matchmaking. Participants will be able to access the B2Match platform any time for a number of weeks for a smooth a simple matchmaking process. Register for the Matchmaking Event here
Call Timeline
Aşama |
Tarih |
Call openning |
20.10.2021 |
Proposal deadline for international call application (Başvurular JPI Urban Europe web sayfası üzerinden yapılacaktır https://ecall.ffg.at/Cockpit/Home?fid=42529808 ) |
24.02.2022 (17:00, CET) |
Proposal deadline for national call pre-application via TUBITAK PBS Application System (https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr/) yapılacak ulusal ön başvurunun onaylanması için son tarih |
03.03.2022 (TSİ: 17.30) |
Deadline for e-signature for national pre-application (https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr/) |
03.03.2022 (TSİ: 17.30) |
National funding decisions and announcement of results to Main Applicants |
June2022 |
Successfull applicants will be asked to submit for 2nd stage national applications |
Will be announced by TUBITAK* |
Start of projects funded |
July 2022 |
Contact points:
CSP Era-Net 2021 Call Contacts
AB Çerçeve Programlar Müdürlüğü
e-posta: ncpenergy@tubitak.gov.tr
For the details of ARDEB- 1071 Program:
Uluslararası İşbirliği Projeleri Araştırma Destek Grubu (UPAG)
e-posta: ersin.turan@tubitak.gov.tr