The SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 Joint Call 2021 is carried out by national / regional research and technology development (RTD) and innovation programmes and national / regional funding agencies in the field of photovoltaic solar electricity generation. The Joint Call is commonly carried out by the following countries and regions: Austria, Belgium-Flanders, Israel, The Netherlands, Switzerland and Turkey.
The SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 Joint Call 2021 comprises four topics:
A) Advanced industrial PV technologies
B) Emerging PV technologies
C) Building and infrastructure integrated PV
D) Operation, diagnosis, system integration and environmental impact of PV plants
Eligibility Criteria
Different eligibility aspects have to be considered:
· Applications have to be submitted in English through the Electronic Submission System within the deadline set.
· The project consortium has to involve at least 2 partners from 2 different countries participating in the SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 Joint Call 2021 and providing funding to the project selected. At least one partner in the consortium has to be from industry. Partners from countries that do not participate in SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 Joint Call 2021 can join a project consortium as additional partners providing added-value to the project. However, these additional partners have to finance their activities from other sources, as each funding agency will only fund eligible partners from their own country / region. A letter of commitment must be included as an annex to the full proposal including the commitment of this partner to the project.
· All applicants have to fulfil (additional) eligibility criteria of their respective national / regional programme / funding organisation and are therefore strongly encouraged to contact their agency as early as possible in the process to understand if their project is within scope / eligibility.
· SME, large companies, non-profit research organisations, higher education institutions, public research organisations and public organisations may participate according to their national / regional financing regulations.
· The project duration is limited to max. 36 months.
Turkish researchers who want to submit a project to the call must apply to both the international call office (http://www.solar-era.net/joint-calls/) and TUBITAK. National project applications can only be made using electronic signature via the Project Application System (https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr). Project proposals to be submitted from our country within the scope of the aforementioned call will be supported within the scope of the Support Program for Increasing the Capacity to Benefit from TUBITAK 1071 International Research Funds and Participation in International R&D Collaborations.
For the national application conditions of the relevant call please click the link below:
Call Timeline
Stages |
Date |
1st Stage Application and Evaluation Process |
Start of 1st stage international application period via http://www.solar-era.net/joint-calls/ (Opening of Electronic Submission System) |
03.11.2021 |
1st stage international application deadline |
10.12.2021 (16:00, CET) |
The deadline for the validation of 1st stage national application via TÜBİTAK PBS (https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr/) |
17.12.2021 (TSİ: 17.30) |
The deadline for the e-signature of 1st stage national application via TÜBİTAK PBS (https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr/) |
17.12.2021 (TSİ: 17.30) |
Communication on applications selected for full-proposal stage |
Start of 2nd stage international application period (full proposals) via http://www.solar-era.net/joint-calls/ (Opening of Electronic Submission System) |
2nd Stage Application and Evaluation Process
Deadline for submission of full proposals |
07.04.2022 (16:00, CET) |
Final funding decisions communicated to proposers |
June 2022 |
Successfull applicants will be asked to submit for 2nd stage national applications via TÜBİTAK PBS (https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr/) |
Will be announced by TUBITAK.*
Commencement of projects |
Start of projects funded |
September/October 2022 |
Call Contacts:
SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 - 2021 Call Contacts
Dr. Muzaffer Kaan KARAÖZ
E-mail: kaan.karaoz@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel.: +90 312 298 9466
For the details of ARDEB- 1071 Program:
Ersin Turan
E-mail: ersin.turan@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel.: +90 312 298 1206