2022 Joint Call of ICT-AGRI-FOOD (ICT-enabled agri-food systems) in which TÜBİTAK is a partner, was opened on 03/05/2022. This call encourages the submission of transnational, multi-disciplinary research proposals with a potential impact relevant for enabling digital technology solutions towards a transition for more sustainable, transparent and resilient agri-food systems.
The development and integration of new digital technologies/solutions (remote and local sensing, data analytics/Big Data technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, automation and robotics) for precision agriculture/smart farming, logistics, food processing, supply chain management, traceability, business transaction should also favor transparency and traceability for all stakeholders, from farmers all way down to consumers and not least policy and decision makers.
Relevant effects along the value chain should be also considered, combining impacts on two or more phases including: primary production, manufacturing and processing, food packaging, distribution, consumers’ behaviour and attitude, household as well as catering consumption, including questions regarding wastes and losses through the food chain. Transparency, the main theme of this call, is a crucial factor in ensuring food traceability and authenticity as well as economic planning. The sustainability factor should also be addressed from environmental, social and economic perspectives.
Thematic Areas in the scope of Call:
TOPIC 1 – Agri-food systems enabled by interconnected digital technologies that are more transparent to consumers, farmers and other stakeholders along the agri-food value chain
TOPIC 2 – Identify, address and remove barriers for adoption of ICT technologies in the agri- food systems
TOPIC 3 – Development and impact estimation (if applicable: evaluation) of data-driven reward and incentive systems to support sustainable and resilient farm management practices
Eligible consortia will consist of a minimum of 3 independent entities seeking funding from a minimum of 3 different Funding Parties of 3 different countries participating in the Joint Call. In addition, national/regional eligibility criteria must be respected and the proposed research project must be consistent with the national/organisational thematic priorities of the countries/regions involved in the project. Each partner will be supported by their country's funding agency.
Project coordinator of consortium must submit English application form to call secretariat via online application tool (https://www.ictagrifood.eu/node/44929). At the same time with this international application, Principal Investigator (PI) of Turkish team in the consortium must apply to project application system of TUBITAK (https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr). If there is more than one partner from Turkey in the same international project, single joint application should be submitted to national application system by the PI of the Turkish team.
The projects of Turkish applicants will be supported under ARDEB 1071 - Support Programme for Increasing Capacity to Benefit from International Research Funds and Participation in International R&D Cooperation.
There will be a webinar for applicants on 18th of May 2022, 11:00 CEST (max. 60 min). To register for the webinar please use this link. After registration, you will receive the link to join the webinar some days later. Slides will be available in the download area after the webinar. Please be aware that the webinar will be recorded.
Click here for detailed information about the call text and the international application system.
Click here for detailed information about TUBITAK national application rules.
Call Timeline:
Webinar for applicants with Q&A session: 18/05/2022 11:00-12:00 CEST
The deadline for proposal submission to Call Secretariat: 15.08.2022 (13:00 CEST)
The deadline for pre-proposal submission to TUBITAK Submission System (PBS): 22.08.2022 (17:30 TSI)
The deadline for electronic signature of pre-proposal submitted to TUBITAK Submission System (PBS): 24.08.2022 (17:30 TSI)
Contact Points:
For international eligibility conditions:
Tarım, Ormancılık ve Veterinerlik Araştırma Destek Grubu (TOVAG)
e-mail: meltem.soydan@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel: 0312 298 12 64
For national eligibility conditions and 1071 Support Program:
Dr. Kamil Öncü ŞEN
Uluslararası İşbirliği Projeleri Araştırma Destek Grubu (UPAG)
e-mail: oncu.sen@tubitak.gov.tr
Tel: 0312 298 18 09