12 joint projects have been decided to be supported within the framework of the Bilateral Cooperation Call applied between TÜBİTAK and ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency).
These joint projects that will be supported are found below:
Principal Investigator in Türkiye |
Principal Investigator in Slovenia |
Project Title |
Prof. Dr. Ali Koşar, Sabanci University |
Prof. Dr. Matevž Dular, University of Ljubljana |
Boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux enhancement using combined acoustic field and surface mixed wettability methods |
Dr. Elif Tan, Ankara University |
Prof. Dr. Sandi Klavžar, Institute of Mathematics |
Investıgation of Edge General Posıtıon Problem In Fıbonaccı-Lıke Cubes |
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Şule Demirkol Ertürk, Bogazici University |
Prof. Dr. Nike Kocijančič Pokorn, University of Ljubljana |
Local Practices of Translation & Interpreting in a Globalized World |
Assoc. Prof. Yılmaz Yürekli, Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversity |
Prof. Maja Leitgeb, University of Maribor |
Enzyme immobilization techniques for efficient removal of antibiotics in wastewater |
Assoc. Prof. Elif Begüm Elçioğlu, Eskişehir Technical University |
Prof. Dr. Jure Ravnik, University of Maribor |
Nanofluids Modeling Strategies Evaluation based on Natural Circulation Mini-Loops |
Dr. Süleyman Gücek, Afyon Kocatepe University |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Primož Jalušič, University of Maribor |
Use of different waste materials for road pavement layers |
Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Ergün, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matej Sova, University of Ljubljana |
Antimicrobial activity evaluation of natural and synthetic cinnamic acid derivatives against human and fish pathogens and their potential use as additives in fish feed |
Assoc. Prof. Ömer Necati Cora, Karadeniz Technical University |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Damjan Klobčar, University of Ljubljana |
Solid-state welding of UItrasoNically consolidateD Ti-Al Laminated Composites and aluminum alloys and investigations on tHEir mechanical, Corrosion Performance, and adhesion strength against laser shocK impacts |
Prof. Dr. Arif Özcan, Marmara University |
Dr. Igor Karlovits, Pulp and Paper Institute |
Production of a new, simple and inexpensive nanocellulose-based indicators for use in smart packaging applications |
Dr. Emine Şimşek, The Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Türkiye |
Dr. Alenka Lipovec, University of Maribor |
Teaching Mathematics usinf Technology in Türkiye and Slovenia |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Morteza Ghorbani, Sabancı University |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mojca Zupanc, University of Ljubljana |
Removal of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients with Micro-scale Hydrodynamic Cavitation |
Prof. Dr. Nuray Ekşi, Özyeğin University |
Prof. Dr. Tadeja Jere Jakulin, University of Primorska |
Joint Project on the Comparison of Slovenian and Turkish Laws on the Mechanisms of the Settlement of Arts and Cultural Property Disputes