1812 - TÜBİTAK Investment-Based Entrepreneurship Support Program - Within the scope of the 2024-1 BİGG Investment call, entrepreneurs who qualify for support with the Excellence Seal will receive an investment equivalent to 3% equity from the TÜBİTAK BİGG Fund.
Business plans receiving co-investment can benefit from the fast support application. In this regard, legal entities acting on behalf of the implementing organization, either through an implementing organization or according to the contract among themselves, will be able to co-invest with the TÜBİTAK BİGG Fund within the framework of the 1812-TÜBİTAK Investment-Based Entrepreneurship Support Program. For business plans that fulfill the co-investment commitment, the Excellence Seal will be awarded without a panel evaluation. This matter will be evaluated by the Group Executive Board, taking into account the opinion of the BiGG Investment Fund, and a decision will be made by the Presidency. Evaluations for all business plan applications made in response to the call for co-investment commitments will not be expected to be completed.
Additionally, under the collaboration of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and TÜBİTAK, extra investments can be made for ventures within the scope of the Global Cleantech Innovation Programme-GCIP.
Business idea applications will be accepted by 149 Implementing Organizations from January 22, 2024, to February 15, 2024. Implementing Organizations will carry out activities such as gathering and evaluating entrepreneurs' business ideas, transforming selected ideas into business plans, providing training, guidance, incubation, and services to verify business ideas. Business plans approved for the 2nd Stage by Implementing Organizations can be submitted to TÜBİTAK between February 26, 2024, and March 8, 2024. BiGG Implementing Organizations will accept business idea applications in six thematic areas, as announced on their websites. The 1st Stage applications will be received by Implementing Organizations listed below. Click here to access the call document.
The draft schedule for the second BiGG Investment Call, expected to be opened within the scope of the 1812-TÜBİTAK Investment-Based Entrepreneurship Support Program in 2024, has been announced in this call.