The 26th meeting of Supreme Council for Science and Technology (SCST) opened by the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, was held on 11th June, 2013, with a remarkable participation of 2 Vice Prime Ministers, 11 Ministers and over 80 senior officials at Vali Galip Demirel, Vilayetler Evi, Gölbaşı, Ankara.
The main theme of the 26th meeting of SCST was "energy". The meeting started with the opening speech by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN and continued with the presentation regarding "Energy Technologies Vision of Turkey" by Prof. Dr. Yücel ALTUNBAŞAK, President of TÜBİTAK. Further on, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, Binali YILDIRIM, presented recent progresses regarding decrees adopted at 25th meeting of SCST under its ministry; Development of e-Government Organization Management Model, Development of National Data Center and Bulk Procurement of Package Programme Solutions that Governmental Agencies Need.
The following seven new decrees were adopted relevant to the theme at the meeting focusing on enhancement of usage of national energy sources in energy mix and development of national energy technologies through public-private partnerships (Decrees can be previewed in Turkish):
- Development of National Design and Manufacturing Capability for Thermal Power Plants (MİLTES) [2013/201]
- Development of Hydroelectric Energy Technologies (MİLHES) [2013/202]
- Development of Wind Energy Power Plant Technologies (MİLRES) [2013/203]
- Adaptation of Solar Energy Technologies (MİLGES) [2013/204]
- Development of National Design and Manufacturing Capability for Thermal Power Plant Flue Gas Treatment Technologies (MİLKAS) [2013/205]
- Development of Coal Gasification and Liquid Fuel Production Technologies [2013/206]
- Increasing Energy Efficiency [2013/207]
Further meeting documents are given below (in Turkish):
- Opening Speech by Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, Prime Minister
- Presentation by Prof. Dr. Yücel ALTUNBAŞAK, President of TÜBİTAK
- Presentation by Binali YILDIRIM, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications
- Assessment of Previous Decrees