According to the results of R&D Activities Survey 2014 conducted by TurkStat, R&D Expenditures (GERD) in Turkey increased by 10% compared to the previous year and reached to 14.7 billion PPP$ in 2014. The share of GERD in GDP was 1.01%, total number of full time equivalent (FTE) R&D personnel was 115 thousand and FTE researchers was 90 thousand in 2014.
Gross Domestic Expenditures on Research and Development (GERD)
According to the survey results in public sector, foundation universities and business enterprise sector and calculations based on higher education sector registers for state universities, Gross Domestic Expenditure on Research and Development (GERD) increased in Turkey in 2014 compared to the previous year by 10% and reached to 14.7 billion PPP$. In Turkey, share of GERD in GDP was 1.01% in 2014.
GERD by Performing and Funding Sectors
Share of business enterprises sector in total R&D expenditure was 49.8%. This sector was followed by higher education sector by 40.5% and public sector by 9.7% respectively.
R&D expenditure was financed by business enterprises by 50.9% in 2014. This financier was followed by government sector by 26.3%, higher education sector by 18.4%, other national sources by 3.4% and foreign funds by 1.1% respectively.
Number of R&D Personnel
Total number of FTE R&D personnel was 115 thousand and FTE researchers was 90 thousand in 2014. Regarding FTE R&D personnel distribution by sectors, 53.7% was employed in business enterprise sector, 35.7% was employed in higher education sector and 10.6% was employed in government sector in 2014.
Regional Distribution of R&D Expenditures and R&D Personnel
According to Classification of Statistical Regions (SR) Level-1, R&D expenditure in 2014 was the highest in (TR5) West Anatolia by 26.4% which consists of Ankara, Konya and Karaman. This region was followed by (TR4) East Marmara by 22.7% and (TR1) Istanbul by 21.6%.
According to R&D personnel, (TR1) Istanbul by 23.6% was in the first place. This region was followed by West Anatolia (TR5) bu 21.8% and (TR4) East Marmara by 14.3%.
Detailed information can be obtained from TurkStat website.
Updated R&D indicators can be found on TÜBİTAK Department of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy website.