TÜBİTAK, active in science and technology for more than half a century, embraces the approach of being an innovative, participatory and sharing institution to support the technological sovereignty of our country and contribute to the advancement of science, technology development and technology-based products. This approach is based on the basic values defined within the framework of the TÜBİTAK 2019-2023 Strategic Plan. One of the five core values included in the Strategic Plan is “inclusiveness." Furthermore, in accordance with Article 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, equality provisions apply to all of our institutions’ processes covering funding, conducting and executing research activities. In this respect and within the scope of being inclusive, TÜBİTAK attaches great importance to maintain the balance between male and female researchers in all of its activities.
Similarly, TÜBİTAK upholds the harmony between the priorities of the European Research Area (ERA) and the priorities of the Turkish Research Area (TRA) as a means of contributing to the integration process with the European Union (EU). One of the priorities of the European Research Area is "ERA Priority 4 on Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in Research" and is a priority to which TÜBİTAK approaches meticulously in all processes. In addition, TÜBİTAK is the national coordinator of the Horizon 2020 Program which covers the 2014-2020 period of the EU Framework Programs. Therefore, TÜBİTAK is also the implementer of Article 16 on gender equality in research and innovation activities, which is one of the legislative provisions of the Horizon 2020 Program.
The 11th Development Plan of our country emphasizes the main objective of providing public services that are based on equality of opportunity, ease of accessibility and citizen orientation through clear and predictable public policies. TÜBİTAK continues to support the research, development (R&D), innovation and entrepreneurship activities of all relevant ecosystem actors efficiently and successfully by providing scholarships and awards for the fostering of scientists, raising awareness of R&D in society, contributing to the development of our country through international programs and collaborations, and conducting projects through its institutes for minimizing technological dependence. In this regard, TÜBİTAK pays special attention to establishing equality of opportunity in all institutions, organizations and researchers benefiting from these activities while ensuring scientific excellence and/or quality of research.
In order to further concretize the aforementioned approach with a policy document and provide guidance for its implementation, TÜBİTAK has established the basic policy principles to maintain gender balance among all R&D and innovation researchers.
1. TÜBİTAK embraces gender balance for the participation of female and male researchers and prioritizes increasing the ratio of female researchers in a way to achieve balance when deemed necessary in;
- governance mechanisms established for decision-making processes (e.g. group executive boards and advisory boards),
- project evaluation and monitoring processes
while ensuring scientific excellence and/or research quality within the scope of R&D and innovation support programs.
2. TÜBİTAK, in order to encourage female researchers to apply to R&D and innovation support mechanisms, places importance for the integration of facilitating measures for the dependents under the responsibility of the researcher within the regulations of the R&D and innovation support programs.
3. TÜBİTAK encourages the inclusion of female researchers and/or scholars in project teams that are established within the scope of supported R&D and innovation projects.
4. TÜBİTAK promotes the publication of special calls for female researchers in the field of technology-based entrepreneurship.
5. TÜBİTAK regularly monitors the gender balance of researchers through statistics within the scope of its R&D and innovation support programs and in the activities that are conducted through its R&D centers and institutes.
6. TÜBİTAK gives utmost importance to ensure the gender balance of researchers who are employed in its R&D centers and institutes while maintaining or improving research quality.
7. TÜBİTAK carries out awareness activities regarding facilitating measures and encouragement given to female researchers in its R&D and innovation activities.
8. The implementation of the measures included in the policy document will be piloted with the approval of the policy document by the TÜBİTAK Executive Board and disseminated across all activities.
9. TÜBİTAK will monitor the implementation of these policy principles and review and improve as necessary. These policy principles come to force as of 24.12.2019.