The agreement enabling Turkey to officially participate in the Horizon Europe program run by the European Union (EU) was signed in Brussels. The agreement was signed by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı on behalf of Turkey, and Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner of Innovation, Research, Culture and Youth of the EU Commission on behalf of the EU. The President of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal accompanied the meeting.
After the signing ceremony, Deputy Minister Kaymakcı made a statement to the journalists in front of the EU Commission building and reminded that Turkey, as an EU candidate and a European country, has been participating in these programs for many years. Pointing to the importance of the Horizon Europe program, Kaymakcı said, "This is the program that shows that our horizon should be European and EU membership. Because innovation and research activities are progressing rapidly in Europe. There is a serious race with the USA, and as an actor in the European continent Turkey both benefits from this program and contributes.” Kaymakcı stated that a budget of 96 Billion Euros was presented to the participating countries in the Horizon Europe program, and that the participating countries should also make a national contribution.
“Turkey is one of the main actors”
TUBITAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal emphasized his satisfaction with the signing of the Horizon Europe program after months of intense work. Pointing out that the program provides an opportunity to develop closer cooperation and cooperation not only in the Green Deal or Digital Transformation, but also in the science, research and innovation ecosystem in general. Prof. Dr. Mandal said “Turkey received more than the national budget it contributed within the scope of Horizon 2020. Turkey is no longer just a beneficiary, but one of the main actors in this process” by explaining the importance of the Horizon Europe program for Turkey.
Prof. Dr. Mandal stated that the concepts of science, technology and innovation were facilitators in solving problems in the past, and that these concepts have become a necessity today, "We have something to add to Europe as well as what we will take from Europe. The research ecosystem in Turkey has shown that they are ready for this, especially with their work in the last 2 years. Turkey In this process, is no longer a follower, is ready to be followed."
What is Horizon Europe?
Horizon Europe, the European Union's 9th Framework Program, is aimed to support science and innovation activities with a budget of 95.5 Billion Euros between 2021-2027.
Horizon Europe Program aims to strengthen the European Union scientifically and technologically, to increase Europe's innovation capacity, competitiveness and employment, to meet society's priorities, and to maintain Europe's socioeconomic models and values.
The structure of the Horizon Europe Program is grouped under 3 components, similar to the structure of the Horizon 2020 Programme. These 3 components are listed as “Scientific Excellence, Global Challenges and Industrial Competition, Innovative Europe”. It is emphasized that the concepts of "open science" and "open innovation" will be applied for the whole program, while the sub-programs are planned to be compatible and integrative with each other and with other union programs.