Landmine Detection by 3D

Landmine Detection by 3D

ETMTS−2 (SEZER) is a new generation hand−held mine detection system containing both Metal Detector (EMI) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) sensors operating in challenging military conditions.

The operator can localize both metallic and non−metallic buried mines or IED’s through a scanning path and may identify the buried objects utilizing automatic classification software.

Audio−visual warnings are given to the operator by earphone/external speaker on LCD display visually*. Therefore, user may create his own identification decision through audio−visualinformation created by the system.

ETMTS−2 is built in robust, ergonomic and lightweight structure by a specific design. The system may be used with both hands and electronic unit can be sloped to the shoulder or attached to the bandolier, ergonomically.

There is BIT (Built In Test) at startup and during operation, which supplies reliability. Communications with sensors, system warnings and battery levels are displayed on the screen to the operator. The system may communicate to the outer world by ethernet interface if it is needed.

The search head is designed optimally to obtain high antenna gain and high metal detection sensitivity. The system is compatible to military standards such as MIL STD 810G and MIL STD 461F.

*Patented product. PCT/IB2010/054441, 2010−10−0