RASAT is the second remote-sensing satellite after the launch of Turkey’s first remote sensing satellite BİLSAT of TÜBİTAK UZAY. RASAT, having a high-resolution optical imaging system and new modules developed by Turkish engineers, will be the first Earth-observation satellite to be designed and manufactured in Turkey.
To improve know-how from design phase to in-orbit commissioning phase of a satellite project gained from BiLSAT Project,
- To develop space qualified systems using current technologies and gaining flight heritage by succeeding in operating these systems in space,
- To meet the requirements of Turkey in the sense of remote sensing as much as possible,
- To investigate the current capabilities of Turkey for space technologies and to use as much as possible,
- To increase number of qualified man power in the field of satellite technologies,
- To meet the requirements of Turkish space industry through development of critical modules,
- To prove the space-based capabilities of TÜBİTAK UZAY to Turkey and the World.
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