2244 - Industrial PhD Fellowship Program


Purpose of the Program

Within the framework of the targets of priority areas of our country, this program aims to contribute the training of qualified human resources holding PhD degree for the need of industry.

Collaboration Models

  1. University-Industry Cooperation Model: They are joint projects where a university / research infrastructure and a private sector organization come together.
  2. Pre-Competitive University-Industry Cooperation Model: Partnership projects where a university / research infrastructure and at least two private sector organizations come together.
Scope of the Support

Within the scope of this program, the fellowships for PhD students and employment grants devoted to private sector have been provided to promote the employment of more researchers in the private sector. Thus, the technological transformation will be enabled which has been targeted by the grants, supports and investments. Besides, the human resources, which is vital to attain the desired levels in the value chain, will be improved in terms of quality and quantity. In this sense, the needs of the companies will be focused and the development of human resources holding PhD will be assured.

2244-Industrial Ph.D. Fellowship Program provides;
-Scholarships for doctoral students
-Project incentive bonus for project supervisor and academic thesis advisor
-Employment support for private sector organizations / institutions

Collaboration Models:
University-Industry Cooperation Model: They are joint projects where a university / research infrastructure and a private sector organization come together.
Pre-Competitive University-Industry Cooperation Model: Partnership projects where a university / research infrastructure and at least two private sector organizations come together.

Terms of Application
  • To be one of the state or foundation higher education institutions that provides doctorate education in Turkey or to be one of the research infrastructures that has been qualified within the scope of the law no. 6550 on the Support of Research Infrastructures
  • Above mentioned higher education institutions and the research infrastructures should collaborate with;
    • Equit firms operated in TURKEY which are having R&D or design center within the scope of the law no. 5746 on the Research, Development and Design or,
    • Equit firms operated in TURKEY as part of technoparks within the scope of under the Technology Development Zones Law no. 4691 or,
    • Private sector institutions private sector organizations that have completed at least one project supported by TÜBİTAK


  • A protocol should be signed between higher education institutions or research infrastructure involved in the project and private sector organizations. This protokol should include students planned to be trained within the scope of the doctoral program, the number of fields of specialization, educational process spent within the scope of industry and opportunities to be provided to students by private sector organizations (consultancy, etc.)
  • In case of application by the research infrastructures that are qualified within the scope of the law numbered 6550, the research infrastructures should have a protocol with the university where doctoral scholarship students are planned to study within the scope of the project.
  • In the University-Industry Cooperation Model, an industrial organization; in the Pre-University-Industry Cooperation Model at least two private sectors organization must be included in the protocol
  • In University-Industry Cooperation Projects, at least 3 PhD students must be included in the doctoral program; in Pre-Competitive University-Industry Cooperation Projects, at least 5 PhDs student must be included in the doctoral program on the condition that students should be related to the project's field of activity. Equit firms operated in TURKEY in the scope of technoparks, in the Pre-Competitive University-Industry Cooperation Projects can present at least 3 doctoral students who are related to the field of activity of the project.
  1. ONLINE APPLICATION: Application via online forms
  2. PRELIMINARY EVALUATION: Eligibility Check and Classification by Scientific Fields
  3. SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION: Panel / Advisor / Advisory Board Assessment (Panel Reports Preparation and Scoring)
  4. GROUP EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Score Limits and Lists Decision
  5. PRESIDENTIAL APPROVAL: Announcement of the results

Address: TUBITAK, Science Fellowship and Grant Programmes Directorate, Tunus St. No:80, 06100 Kavaklidere, Ankara, Turkey
Phone: +90 312 468 53 00

General Info

Scope of the Support


Terms of Application



