Within the scope of the Performance-Based Scholarships Program for PhD and Post-Doc Scholars, it is provided a performance-based scholarship for doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers who take part in TÜBİTAK-supported projects as a scholar. The aim is to encourage scholars to do research, to ensure project belonging, to increase their performance and motivation, and to strengthen the research ecosystem.
There are two scholarship periods covering February-July and August-January. Applications are received in August for the February-July scholarship period and in February for the August-January scholarship period. PhD and Post-Doc scholars in TÜBİTAK-supported projects can apply the programme every six months and can receive a monthly grant according to total performance score. Scholarship payments are made collectively for six-month periods. The monthly scholarship amount varies according to the performance score.
Within the scope of the Performance-Based Scholarships Program for PhD and Post-Doc Scholars, it is provided a performance-based scholarship for doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers who take part in TÜBİTAK-supported projects as a scholar. The aim is to encourage scholars to do research, to ensure project belonging, to increase their performance and motivation, and to strengthen the research ecosystem.
There are two scholarship periods covering February-July and August-January. Applications are received in August for the February-July scholarship period and in February for the August-January scholarship period. PhD and Post-Doc scholars in TÜBİTAK-supported projects can apply the programme every six months and can receive a monthly grant according to total performance score. Scholarship payments are made collectively for six-month periods. The monthly scholarship amount varies according to the performance score.
- To take part in TÜBİTAK-supported projects as a PhD student or Post-Doc researcher scholars for at least 10 days within 1 month during the scholarship period (August-January or February-July)
- The performance score must be at least 60 for doctoral students and at least 70 for post-doctoral researchers (This condition is not required for the scholars of 2211- National PhD Scholarship Programs who take part in TÜBİTAK-supported projects).
Applications are made online through the BIDEB Application and Monitoring System (e-bideb.tubitak.gov.tr) within the application dates specified in the call text.
Performance score is the total score calculated by the project coordinator based on the performance indicators determined within the scope of this program. The performance scores of the candidates are determined according to the following headings.
- Scholar's Academic Success
- Scholar's Interest in R&D and Innovation Activities
- The Scholar's Performance in the Project
- Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu Bilim İnsanı Destek Programları Başkanlığı Tarafından Yürütülen Programlara İlişkin Yönetmelik
- Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu Bilim İnsanı Destek Programları Başkanlığı Burs ve Destek Programlarının Yürütülmesine İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar
- BİDEB Burs ve Destek Programlarında Başvuruların ve Raporların Panel/Danışman/Danışma Kurulu Yöntemi ile Değerlendirilmesi ve İzlenmesine İlişkin Yönerge
DUYURU (27.09.2024): Başvuru sonuçları açıklandı.
2250-Lisansüstü Bursları Performans Programı 2024 yılı 2. dönem başvuru sonuçları açıklanmıştır. BİDEB Başvuru ve İzleme Sistemine (https://e-bideb.tubitak.gov.tr/giris.htm) giriş yaparak başvuru durumunuzu görüntüleyebilirsiniz. Destek almaya hak kazanan kişilerin Şubat 2024 – Temmuz 2024 aylarını kapsayan destek ödemeleri banka hesaplarına aktarılmıştır.
DUYURU (29.07.2024): Burs miktarları güncellendi.
1 Temmuz 2024 tarihi itibarıyla geçerli olacak şekilde burs miktarları güncellenmiştir. Doktora öğrencileri için aylık 8.700 TL, doktora sonrası araştırmacılar için aylık 10.500 TL'ye kadar ek performans desteği verilebilecektir.
Science Fellowship and Grant Programmes Directorate
2250 - Performance-Based Scholarships Programme for PhD and Post-Doc Scholars
Contact address: TUBITAK, Tunus St. #80, 06100 Kavaklidere, Ankara, Turkey
Tel: +90 312 468 53 00
E-mail: bideb2250@tubitak.gov.tr