UfM (Union for Mediterranean Regional Platform on Research and Innovation)


The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), established in 2008, is a regional dialogue platform where current political, economic, social, and cultural issues are discussed. The UfM comprises 42 member countries (27 EU member states + Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye). Syria suspended its membership in 2011, citing EU sanctions. Libya holds observer status.

Aligned with our policy of supporting initiatives contributing to peace, stability, and prosperity in the Mediterranean region, our country became a member of the UfM, which replaced the Barcelona Process in 2008. Initiated in 1995 as a multilateral cooperation platform in the Mediterranean region, the Barcelona Process had already included our participation. Since the UfM's establishment, our country has been represented in all meetings and has contributed to its activities.

Relations among members within the UfM are maintained around six specific areas (business development, higher education and research, social and civil affairs, water and environment, energy and climate action, transportation, and urban development), with research being a part of these efforts.

The UfM Research and Innovation Platform was initially founded in 1995 under the name "The Monitoring Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in Research and Technological Development (RTD)" as part of the Barcelona Process. Established by the European Council, its aim was to foster cooperation in research and technological development among Mediterranean countries and support the region’s sustainable development. On December 18, 2013, during its 18th session, the platform was renamed the Euro-Mediterranean Group of Senior Officials in Research and Innovation (EU-Med GSO). Subsequently, following increased activity within UfM platform meetings, its name was changed on April 6, 2020, during a virtual meeting, to the UfM Regional Platform on Research and Innovation.

The platform convenes annually, bringing together EU countries, the European Commission, Mediterranean countries, and our country, which is represented by our institution.

Purpose of the Platform:

The main goal of the UfM Regional Platform on Research and Innovation is to serve as a bi-regional political dialogue platform, uniting EU member states and Mediterranean countries to recommend the joint implementation of Mediterranean research policy priorities. It facilitates meetings of national focal points on science, technology, and innovation and provides guidance and information for the conferences of ministers responsible for higher education, research, and innovation, held every five years. The platform's members include all UfM member countries and the EU, which co-chairs the UfM. Furthermore, with the co-chairs' proposal, the League of Arab States and all relevant institutions and initiatives may participate in meetings as observers.

Member Countries:

Germany, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Algeria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Morocco, Palestine, Finland, France, Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus, Croatia, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, Israel, Sweden, Italy, Montenegro, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Egypt, Monaco, Mauritania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Syria*, Tunisia, Turkey, Jordan, and Greece.

*Syria suspended its membership on December 1, 2011. Libya holds observer status.

Activities of the Platform:

  • Acting as a forum for the exchange of knowledge, opinions, and recommendations on research and innovation policies in the Mediterranean, creating a shared knowledge base.
  • Identifying regional issues in research and innovation that require Euro-Mediterranean cooperation activities.
  • Preparing and implementing work programs through the platform or temporary working groups reporting to it.
  • Proposing specific actions beneficial to the Mediterranean region.
  • Monitoring and providing feedback on Euro-Mediterranean research and innovation policies, developments, and activities.
  • Supplying information to UfM Research and Innovation Representatives, the UfM Secretariat, and the Strategic Forum for International Cooperation (SFIC).
  • Preparing and supporting UfM conferences of ministers responsible for research, higher education, and innovation.
  • Reporting on and following up on outcomes of ministerial meetings on science, technology, and innovation.