WAITRO (The World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations) is an independent, non-governmental and not-for-profit association founded in 1970 under the auspices of the United Nations (UN). WAITRO brings together science, technology and innovation stakeholders, including research and technology organizations and research universities, on an international scale and provides a mechanism for its members and partners to connect, partner, share, inspire, and multiply their contributions to solve global challenges and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. TÜBİTAK has been a member of WAITRO since 1970.
The objectives of WAITRO can be listed as:
- Facilitate the participation of member organizations in publicly-funded collaborations and public-private partnerships.
- Facilitate collaboration between member organizations and the private sector.
- Foster collaborations between member organizations towards the development and deployment of innovative technologies that impact sustainable development.
- Improve operational practices and business performance of member organizations and enhance scientific research and technological capacities of their individuals.
Detailed information can be reached via WAITRO Official website: https://waitro.org/
WAITRO full membership status can be granted to:
- Research institutes
- Universities with a strong research presence
- Research laboratories
Associate membership status can be granted to:
- For-profit organizations such as MNEs, SMEs, Start-ups
- Investment and venture capital companies
- Non-governmental organizations
The list of all WAITRO members can be reached via:
Please follow the link to become a WAITRO member and benefit from WAITRO opportunities: https://waitro.org/become-member/
To accomplish WAITRO mission, the 25th General Assembly of WAITRO adopted the proposal from the Board and the Secretariat to focus on the following Goals:
The main goals under WAITRO 2030 Strategic Plan are:
- WAITRO will be an association with a diverse, globally represented and engaged membership.
- WAITRO will be a hub for collaboration and innovation for sustainable development.
- WAITRO will be a provider for capacity development and accreditation.
- WAITRO will be an advocate for and influencer of sustainable innovation.
The full document can be reached at: https://waitro.org/download/4835/?tmstv=1732005114
Matchmaking and Partnering
WAITRO’s blockchain-secured open innovation platform SAIRA matches researchers’ expertise with R&D-related needs from companies, start-ups or public sector stakeholders.
For more information, please follow the link below:
Horizon Europe Project Support
WAITRO offers a Horizon Europe proposal support service, including consortia building via the Open Innovation Platform SAIRA, expert assistance for proposals ready for submission, research fairness guidance and a letter of support from WAITRO.
For more information, please follow the link below:
WAITRO Innovation Award
The WAITRO Innovation Award program boosts collaborative innovation by offering selected international project teams methodological support and providing winners with funding.
For more information, please follow the link below:
Capacity Development
WAITRO invites the private and public sector to support initiatives by matching WAITRO funds for SDG-related capacity development actions.
For more information, please follow the link below:
Networking and Events
WAITRO organizes a broad variety of events for members, partners, and beyond - from matchmaking sessions, keynotes, interactive workshops, networking events and more.
For more information, please follow the link below:
WAITRO regularly publishes reports on research, innovation and SDG-related topics and activities from WAITRO and its member organizations.
For more information, please follow the link below: