Within the scope of the World Bank Turkey Green Industry Project, coordinated by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, the private sector's product or process development activities for green transformation are supported by TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB. The third call for 1832-Green Transformation in Industry 2024-2 Call, which is carried out with the support of the World Bank within the scope of the 1801 program within TEYDEB, has been opened as of 01.08.2024, and applications will be received until 03.10.2024.
In this call, the pre-commercialization activities of the prototypes obtained through previous R&D studies for the green transformation activities of the companies will be supported. These studies may be a continuation of R&D projects previously supported by TÜBİTAK-TEYDEB. R&D studies carried out by KOSGEB projects or other national or international funds and companies' own resources, which have not yet been commercialized, are also within the scope of the call. Applications from SMEs and large-scale organizations are eligible, and joint applications can also be made. Prototype development or improvement, validation and certification tests, on-site implementation, scaling, demonstration and field trials covering the TRL 5-9 range are within the scope of the call. Support period is up to 24 months, the upper limit of the project budget is 8.500.000 TL for micro/small-scale companies, 13.000.000 TL for medium-sized companies, and 25.000.000 TL for large-scale companies. Within the scope of the call, interest-free reimbursable support will be provided to capital companies, with a maximum of 50% to be repaid. The support rate is 70% for large-scale companies, 80% for SMEs, and 90% for SMEs in earthquake zones, respectively. A part of the support to be reimbursed can be converted into grant support. The repayment of the support to be used will start 1 year after the project ends.
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Applications can be made electronically through the TEYDEB Project Evaluation and Monitoring System - PRODIS (eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr).