TÜBİTAK, European Commission, METU and ITU organized H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Calls Conference

12 Jun 2018
TÜBİTAK, with the collaboration of the European Commission, Middle East Technical University and Istanbul Technical University, organized “Horizon2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions 2018-2019-2020 Calls Conference” in Ankara (June 7th, 2018) and in İstanbul (June 8th, 2018).

TÜBİTAK, with the collaboration of the European Commission, Middle East Technical University and Istanbul Technical University, organized “Horizon2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions 2018-2019-2020 Calls Conference” in Ankara (June 7th, 2018) and in İstanbul (June 8th, 2018).

As you might know, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) under Horizon2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation contribute to excellent research, boosting jobs, growth and investment by equipping researchers with the new knowledge, skills and international and intersectoral exposure to fill the top positions of tomorrow and solve current and future societal challenges. The MSCA thrive by being open to all domains of research and innovation addressed under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. These are chosen freely by the applicants in a fully bottom-up manner.

During the Calls Conference, detailed information about the contributions of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) to the European Research Area, future objectives and the upcoming calls of 2018 – 2019 – 2020 has been presented.

Representative from the European Commission, Dr. Stijn Delaure, delivered presentations on Individual Fellowships (IF), Innovative Training Networks (ITN), Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) and Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND). Moreover testimonials from Dr. Abdullah Demir and Dr. Antonino Puglisi; expert viewpoints from Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zeyrek and Prof. Dr. Sinem Akgül Açıkmeşe were presented during the conferences.

Since the Individual Fellowships (IF) call for proposals will be open till 12 September 2018, the event agenda specifically included proposal preparation, tips-tricks, expert and fellow experiences sessions for this call. By this way, researchers willing to go abroad (to European countries or non-European ones) for research purposes or to reintegrate/visit Turkish Research Area (from 12 to 24 months); research institutions willing to invite high qualified researchers has been informed about how to make use of MSCA Individual Fellowships, TÜBİTAK pre-evaluation support mechanisms and Turkish MSCA National Contact Points’ services.

Please find below the presentations:

Ankara Conference (ODTÜ-METU):

Conference Programme

Stijn DELAURE, European Commission (Full presentation delivered at morning and afternoon sessions)

Dr. Abdullah DEMİR, Bilkent University (How to Succeed in Getting an MSCA Individual Fellowship?)

Prof. Dr. Mehmet ZEYREK, ODTÜ/METU (How to Write a Successful MSCA IF Proposal from an Expert Viewpoint)

Tuğba ARSLAN KANTARCIOĞLU, TÜBİTAK (“MSCA National Contact Point Services” and “EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion”)

Dr. Sara Banu AKKAŞ, ODTÜ/METU (Middle East Technical University as EURAXESS Service Center)

İstanbul Conference (İTÜ):

Conference Programme

Stijn DELAURE, European Commission (Sabah ve Öğlen oturumlarında gerçekleştirilen tüm sunum)

Dr. Antonino Puglisi, İTÜ (How to Succeed in Getting an MSCA Individual Fellowship?)

Prof. Dr. Sinem AKGÜL AÇIKMEŞE, Kadir Has University (How to Write a Successful MSCA IF Proposal from an Expert Viewpoint)

Tuğba ARSLAN KANTARCIOĞLU, TÜBİTAK (“MSCA National Contact Point Services” and “EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion”)


For further information regarding abov ementioned MSCA Programmes please refer to www.h2020.org.tr

For your questions please contact with:

TÜBİTAK Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions National Contact Point
