1719 Eureka Network Calls
Current Calls:
- 1719 Eureka Network - Applied Quantum Technologies National Call
- 1719 Eureka Network - Lightweighting Technologies National Call
- 1719 Eureka Network – Resilience in Disasters National Call
In the context of Eureka Network projects, international calls aim to create marketable products, processes, or services through international R&D projects involving at least two Eureka member countries (with at least one being an EU member or an Horizon Europe Associated country).
These calls encourage the formation of specialized R&D and innovation consortia led by the private sector, in collaboration with universities and public institutions. The goal is to enhance the technical capacity and knowledge base within the country, facilitate access to international technology expertise and technology transfer for private sector organizations, and foster the development of original technologies. Additionally, it aims to leverage acquired international technological knowledge and experience to drive and guide the development of unique technologies and contribute to the presence of private organizations in international markets.
For information regarding the project budget and duration within the scope of Eureka Network Program National Calls, it is necessary to review the Call Announcement published for the specific call you are targeting.
National applications should be submitted online via the website https://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr according to the call schedules specified in the call announcements.
The call announcements also include information about the international call schedules in the call calendars.
- For detailed information on the 1719-Eureka Network Applied Quantum Technologies Call, please visit this link.
- For detailed information on the 1719-Eureka Network Lightweighting Technologies Call, please visit this link.
- For detailed information on the 1719-Eureka Network Resilience in Disasters Call, please visit this link.
The support rate applied within the scope of the call is 60% for large-scale companies, 75% for SMEs and 100% for public administrations within the scope of the general budget, administrations with special budgets and foundation universities, training and research hospitals, public research centers and institutes.
Please review the call announcement for the details of supported costs in this program.
• The national evaluation process is initiated for the suggestions deemed appropriate in the applications received by the Department of International Cooperation.
• Project proposals for the 1509 application process are sent to TÜBİTAK via PRODİS (Project Evaluation and Monitoring System) (http://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr).
• Project proposals are evaluated by experts and committees in the field and the projects deemed appropriate are supported.
• A contract is signed between the company and TÜBİTAK for the supported projects.
• The company carries out the project and submits the period report (R&D Assistance Request Form) containing project expenses and project activities to TÜBİTAK every six months.
• During the monitoring phase, TÜBİTAK appoints a monitor who is an expert in the field, monitors the progress of the projects and makes the support payment.
• An additional Project Result Report is prepared in the last period of the project.
• Commercialization Processes of the completed project are followed.
Quantum technology involves many layers of technology, from individual methods of quantum information processing to algorithms and the use of quantum computers for various applications.
The main purpose of the call is to support organizations that develop quantum technologies that outperform or accelerate existing technologies and contribute to the solution of problems related to industry, science and society.
Within the scope of the call, project proposals can be within the scope of the following focus areas, but are not limited to these sub-headings of quantum technologies.
Focus Areas of the Call
I. quantum computing
ii. Quantum simulation and stack levels
iii. Quantum communication and cybersecurity
iv. Quantum sensing and metrology
For projects with international calls, the document or letter stating that the national application is approved and the international application form must be added to the AGY103 annexes section.
a) Capital companies,
b) Higher education institutions,
c) Public research centers and institutes,
d) Training and research hospitals,
e) Research infrastructures within the scope of law no. 6550.
Higher education institutions, public research centers and institutes, training and research hospitals, research infrastructures within the scope of law no. 6550 cannot apply to the call alone without the partnership of capital companies. In the projects submitted within the scope of this call, the Executive Organization must be a capital company.
National project applications must be submitted exclusively online through the Project Evaluation and Monitoring System (PRODİS) at http://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr
Institutions/organizations based in Turkey that apply to the Eureka international program and whose international preliminary review is found positive can apply to the Eureka Network Project 2024 Applied Quantum Technologies National Call (1719- EUREKA QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES). Applications made in this context are evaluated by expert referees during company visits and then reported to TÜBİTAK.
Click here for information about financial issues and payment.
For questions about international Eurostars program conditions and details:
For questions about the TEYDEB 1509 program
E-posta: 1509@tubitak.gov.tr