The purpose of the program is to support to the organization of theoretical and/or applied scientific events such as online courses and seminars (including online) to be organized in the country.
The purpose of the program is to support to the organization of theoretical and/or applied scientific events such as online courses and seminars (including online) to be organized in the country.
The application is made by the event coordinator (natural person) who is at least completed his/her doctorate education, in the organizing committee of the event, residing in the country and working at a university / education and research hospital / research institute,
The event coordinator, trainers, participants and organizing board members must be registered in the TÜBİTAK ARBİS database,
The members of the event organizing committee must consist of at least 3 scientists from different universities / research agencies from Turkey,
To have a unique and up-to-date web page with information about the event to be organized, (On the website, the members of the organizing committee and scientific committee of the event, who will be the trainers of the event, the subject, purpose, scope, place and date of the event should be clearly stated. Announcements such as advertisements, posters, news, etc. are not accepted as the original website. The website with the specified contents of the event for which support is requested must be completed and active as of the closing date of the relevant application period. Regulations after this date will not be taken into consideration.)
The number of lesson hours to be paid by a trainer during the event should not exceed 25% of the total number of lessons in the event,
The number of participants must be at least 15 people,
There should be a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 270 days between the starting date of the event and the deadline for the relevant application period, (Applications made after the event has been organized will not be accepted.)
To plan the lessons in the activity program as consecutive days,
Trainers to teach should be composed of at least doctoral scientists,
Participants must be students studied within the country or employees in the country.
Participants can participate in the events for a maximum of five times, the success criteria are based on the selection of the participants to be accepted to the event,
Receiving an official letter from the institution where the event organizer works stating that he/she will carry out the event subject to the application. (The name of the event organizer and the event should be clearly stated in the text content)
- ONLINE APPLICATION: Application via online forms
- PRELIMINARY EVALUATION: Eligibility Check and Classification by Scientific Fields
- SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION: Panel / Advisor / Advisory Board Assessment (Panel Reports Preparation and Scoring)
- GROUP EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Score Limits and Lists Decision
- PRESIDENTIAL APPROVAL: Announcement of the results
Kesin ödeme
Etkinlik yürütücüsü izleme belgelerini, etkinliğin bitiş tarihinden veya destek karar tarihinden önce etkinliğin gerçekleştirilmiş olması halinde desteklenme tarihinden sonraki otuz gün içinde BİDEB Başvuru ve İzleme Sistemine ( yüklemek zorundadır. Kararlaştırılan destek, ilgili belgelerin uygun bulunmasından sonra etkinlik yürütücüsünün kendi adına açılmış banka hesabına aktarılır.
Ön ödeme
Ön ödeme talep edilmesi halinde (ön ödeme talebi ile birlikte taahhütnamenin sisteme yüklenmesi gerekir), kararlaştırılan desteğin konaklama, iaşe, yol ve organizasyon destekleri etkinlik yürütücüsünün kendi adına açılmış banka hesabına etkinliğin başlamasından en erken bir ay önce ön ödeme şeklinde aktarılır. Etkinlik yürütücüsü, etkinlik için verilen desteğe ait izleme belgelerini etkinliğin bitiş tarihinden veya destek karar tarihinden önce etkinliğin gerçekleştirilmiş olması halinde desteklenme tarihinden sonraki otuz gün içerisinde BİDEB Başvuru ve İzleme Sistemine ( yüklemelidir. Kararlaştırılan desteğin geri kalan kısmı (Ders ücreti, Etkinlik Yürütücüsü ve Yardımcı Personel ücreti) için etkinlik yürütücüsü ile mahsuplaşarak hesap kapatılır.
Etkinlik gerçekleşmediği takdirde ön ödeme yapılmış ise, TÜBİTAK’a geri ödemenin gecikmesi durumunda ödenmiş olan destek tutarı kanuni faizi ile birlikte geri alınır.
Address: TUBITAK, Science Fellowship and Grant Programmes Directorate, Tunus St. No:80, 06100 Kavaklidere, Ankara, Turkey
Phone: +90 312 468 53 00