The importance of social sciences and humanities research is increasing, in the face of increasingly complex problems and challenges. It has become necessary to present multiple perspectives on every issue affecting the individual and social life, which are range from climate change to resilience against natural disasters, solving the difficulties experienced at the individual and society level and providing input to policy making. In this sense, the role of social and human sciences has become even more important. We have full faith in that we will succeed in overcoming all difficulties and become stronger in every dimension by carrying the determination and excitement of the difficulties overcome in the very first years of the Republic to the Second Century of Türkiye, with even more enthusiasm.
On the occasion of this special year, as we eagerly celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Türkiye with immense pride and excitement, for the purpose of comprehending the historical, cultural, political, social and economic dynamics of our Republic and providing fresh insights into its future vision; the “Special Call for the 100th Anniversary of Our Republic” was launched on October 29, 2023, within the scope of the 1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program conducted by Directorate for Research Funding Programmes (ARDEB).
The goal of this call, prepared for the 100th anniversary of the Republic, is to support project proposals that focus on understanding Türkiye’s 100-year history during the Republic era and identifying important issues for the future, along with providing solutions.
Within the scope of this call, project proposals are expected to encompass subjects focusing on Türkiye’s social progress, future, sustainable development, history and culture while aiming to make special contribution to the 100th anniversary of the Republic. It is also expected from project proposals to provide the society with beneficial information and recommendations by addressing the past, present, and future. It is important to approach the topic with a multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective.
Here are the subject headings that projects proposed within the scope of the call may focus on:
- Education System and Policies
- Economic Development and Transformation
- Business World and Institutional Change
- Politics and Foreign Policy
- Immigration and Population Policies
- Urbanization Policies and Urban Structure
- Family and Society
- Media and Communication
- Cultural Transformation and Diversity
- Language, History and Cultural Heritage
- Development of Science and Technology
- Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of Social Sciences and Humanities
The deadline for the online applications of the project proposals to be submitted within the scope of the call is December 25, 2023, and the deadline for completing e-signature process of these projects is December 28, 2023 It is important to ensure that project proposal approvals and the e-signature process are completed within the specified time frames.
For more detailed information about the call, please click here.