The evaluation processes for the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem 2023 Call, which aims to contribute to the transformation of artificial intelligence technologies into products or solutions in line with the needs of customer organizations and to activate the Turkish Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem, have been completed.
With this support model, it is aimed for customer organizations that need artificial intelligence solutions to produce solutions by forming consortiums with at least one company as a technology provider, at least one university research laboratory/center or public research center/institute experienced in this field, and the TÜBİTAK Artificial Intelligence Institute. .
We congratulate our organizations whose projects were included in the scope of support, and we would like to remind our organizations whose projects were rejected that they can revise their applications and submit them to TÜBİTAK's appropriate support programs.
We would like to thank our Board members and referees who took part in the evaluation processes of the projects for their valuable contributions.
Companies can access the latest status of their project proposals from the project information page at eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr.
The scope of support for the accepted projects will be sent to the organizations' kep addresses, and the contracts, with wet signatures, will be sent to the mailing addresses of the customer organizations by courier. For rejected projects, reasoned rejection decisions will be sent to the KEP addresses of the organizations.