Exploration of the underground water potential in our country aims to develop a fast and effective solution from underground water sources for potential water supply challenges arising from disasters and climate change. The goal is to design, analyze, build a prototype, and test a domestically competitive hydraulic water drilling machine that meets technical requirements in accordance with international standards, ensuring competitiveness in terms of quality, functionality, and price on the international stage.
In accordance with this purpose, within the scope of TÜBİTAK Public Institutions Research and Development Projects Support Program (1007 Program), the call entitled "Domestic Hydraulic Water Drilling Machine Design and Manufacturing", with the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSİ) as the customer institution, was published by the Public Research Support Group (KAMAG) as of 15.02.2024.
This call includes the following themes:
• Manufacturing Technologies
• Fluid Machinery
• Machine Design
• Machine Elements
• Automation, Robotics, and Mechatronics
The State Hydraulic Works General Directorate's announced needs and technical requirements document within the scope of the call will be announced at https://tubitak.gov.tr/tr/destekler/kamu/ulusal-destek-programlari/1007/icerik-1007-cagrilari
Detailed information about the call and the application system can be accessed at http://ardeb-pbs.tubitak.gov.tr
Project proposals to be prepared must be registered in the system by 03.05.2024.
Click here to access the call document.
Contact Information for the ‘Domestic Hydraulic Water Drilling Machine Design and Manufacturing’ Call:
KAMAG Contact Point:
Fatih Mehmet AĞKAYA
0312 - 298 13 11
Gökhan GÖY
0312 - 298 13 12