The 27th meeting of Supreme Council for Science and Technology
The 27th meeting of Supreme Council for Science and Technology (SCST) opened by the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, was held on 18th June, 2014, with a remarkable participation of 2 Vice Prime Ministers, 12 Ministers and over 80 senior officials at Vali Galip Demirel, Vilayetler Evi, Gölbaşı, Ankara.
The main theme of the 27th meeting of SCST was "National Innovation System And Medical Biotechnology". The meeting started with the opening speech by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN and continued with the presentation regarding recent mechanisms that have been developed to foster national innovation system and further R&D and innovation resolutions for primarily medical biotechnology area inTurkey by Prof. Dr. Yücel ALTUNBAŞAK, TÜBİTAK President.
The following six new decrees were adopted relevant to the theme at the meeting (Decrees can be previewed in Turkish):
- Development of Mechanisms Aimed at Decreasing Foreign Trade Gap and Increasing Technological Capasity in Health and Biotechnology Area [2014/101]
- Development of Support Mechanisms for Procurement of High-Tech Companies [2014/102]
- Development of Support Mechanisms for Establishment of International R&D Labs in Turkey [2014/103]
- Establishment and Development of Research Infrastructures in Health and Biotechnology Area [2014/104]
- Assignment of Horizon 2020 Program National Contact Organization [2014/105]
- Policy Guidence for Public R&D and Innovation Funding Between 2014-2016 [2014/106]
Further meeting documents are given below (in Turkish):
- Opening Speech by Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, Prime Minister
- Presentation by Prof. Dr. Yücel ALTUNBAŞAK, TÜBİTAK President
- Assessment of Previous Decrees