Happy Republic Day on October 29

26 Mar 2024
We will eternally keep alive the Passion for Sovereignty and Independence ignited 97 years ago, with Science and Technology.

We will eternally keep alive the Passion for Sovereignty and Independence ignited 97 years ago, with Science and Technology.

We feel the joy, pride and enthusiasm of celebrating the Republic Day bestowed to Turkish Nation 97 years ago by Veteran Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades in arms, winning a victory in the War of Independence he started in 1919 with his words “Freedom and independence form my character.”

The Turkish Nation founded the Republic on October 29, 1923 by declaring to the world that they will never admit any foreign say over their destiny. Since then, Turkey takes firm steps forward with a great hope, by inspiring from its struggles.

We also, as the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), resolutely keep taking firm steps towards the Goals of 2023, the 100th anniversary of the Republic, under the guidance of science and technology. We get in touch with people of any age throughout Turkey, support thousands of students, research specialists and entrepreneurs and urge them to attain success together in the way to National Technology Move. We spend effort in every field for our country through the national technologies we develop in our research centers and institutes in line with the needs of our country in global competition.

As we get close to the 2023 goals, we are getting prepared for the visions of 2053 and 2071 with a view to preserve the Republic forever in more prosperous and stronger conditions. Through science and technology, we will keep making contributions for a developing, producing and growing Turkey.

With these feelings, I wholeheartedly congratulate our Republic Day and commemorate Veteran Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and all the martyrs and veterans who made these lands a homeland for us, with respect, grace and gratitude.

Prof. Hasan Mandal

TÜBİTAK President