2247 - D National Early Stage Researchers Program


ANNOUNCEMENT: If the doctoral bursaries within the scope of this program do not graduate at the end of the project period, their scholarships will be continued within the scope of the 2211 PhD Scholarship Program, with the duration of not exceeding 48 months from both programs as a total. This rule does not cover those who are included in the project as a fellow in the last 6 months of the project. It is an important notice to our researchers who are supported within the scope of the program.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Beginning from 10/01/2023; those who benefit from the scholarships given by other public institutions/organizations (MEB, YÖK, KYK, state universities and foundation universities, etc.) will be able to receive full scholarship payments from this program at the same time. It is an important notice to our researchers who are supported within the scope of the program regarding the payments to be made to the scholarship holders.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Scholarship payments will not be made to doctoral bursaries within the scope of the program, if their education period exceeds 12 semesters for post-graduate doctoral education and 14 semesters for integrated doctoral education as of the date of registration for the doctorate. It is an important notice to our researchers who are supported within the scope of the program regarding the payments to be made to the scholarship holders.

The scope of this program is to provide support for projects which having groundbreaking goals, offering the opportunity to meet significant gaps at scientific and technological areas and providing new perspective to researchers, and/or having potential of important discovery and/or inventions at every single area of science and technology; and for young researchers working on these projects in Türkiye.

Click on the link below for the 2023 Call Text.

The Scope of the Support, Amount and Duration

The scope of this program is to provide support for projects which having groundbreaking goals, offering the opportunity to meet significant gaps at scientific and technological areas and providing new perspective to researchers, and/or having potential of important discovery and/or inventions at every single area of science and technology; and for researchers working on these projects in Türkiye.

Within the scope of this program

Research GrantMax. 5.000.000 TRY for R&D expenses
Fellowship(min. 2,max. 5)Doctorate (unemployed/employed: 27.500 / 7.250 TRY/month)
Post-doc (36.500 TRY/month)
PTİ upper limit6.500 TRY/month
Overhead10% of total budget (except PTİ)

is provided.

Duration of support is 36 months.

On the date of the application,

  • In case of the institution that the project is carried out is a SME-run business, 25% of the support provided within the scope of the program must be covered by this institution/organization.

  • In case of the institution that the project is carried out is a large-scale company, 40% of the support provided within the scope of the program must be covered by this institution/organization.

  • In case of the institution that the project is carried out is a foundation university, 25% of the support provided within the scope of the program must be covered by this institution/organization.

  • In case of the institution that the project is carried out is a state agency or state university, all of the support provided within the scope of the program will be covered by TÜBİTAK.

Important Notes

A coordinator cannot apply to this program with more than one project proposal at the same time.

Applications to this program are not included in the quota for projects applied to the coordinator / researchers benefiting from TUBITAK support programs.

As of the application deadline, those who benefit from BİDEB Research Scholarships or Supports cannot apply to this program, except for the 2244 Industry Doctorate Program and 2247-B European Research Council (ERC) Support Program.

The coordinator is expected to successfully complete a European Research Council (ERC) project in order to benefit from this support again.

The Researcher Information System (ARBİS) record must be updated before the application.

Researchers who have previously applied to the 2247-A program and will re-apply with the same project proposal should indicate the arrangements they made in their projects during the application.

Researchers who are entitled to receive support must conduct their research in Turkiye.

Within the scope of this program, researchers who are entitled to receive support must trained at least two qualified researchers.

Terms of Application

Researchers who will apply to the program must be working in Türkiye as of the first day of the application.

  • As of the date of application, any of the following work experiences must be provided.

  • Early stage researchers under the age of 40*, who received their doctoral degree at most 7 years ago and having 1 to 4 years research experience after doctorate degree.

  • Researchers from the private sector with 4 years of full-time research experience after their bachelor's degree, provided that at least 1 year is in the private sector (maximum 1 year of the completed master's education with thesis and maximum 3 years of the completed doctorate education period are considered within this scope.)

At least 2 of the following options must be provided:

  • Provided that the number of publications* of the executive is at least 5, at least 50% of all publications* are included in journals in the 25% / Q1 with the most citations

  • Scopus Field Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) or WoS Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) value** of the researcher is greater than 1

  • Having a completed*** European Research Council (ERC) project or has been a coordinator in the research and innovation action and innovation action (RIA / IA) projects within the scope of Horizon 2020, or having a project within the scope of the Marie Skłodowska Curie Action (MSCA ) (IF, RISE)

  • Having received TUBITAK Incentive Award or TWAS Incentive Award or TÜBA GEBİP Award 

* One year is added for each birth for female applicants.
** Publications in the type of articles and reviews in internationally indexed journals defined by Scopus or articles and reviews in internationally indexed journals defined by WoS will be considered (Source: Scopus-Scival CiteScore, SNIP, SJR; WoS-InCites)
*** In international indexed journals defined by Scopus, articles and reviews where the author is the first author, last author, responsible author and sole author (Scopus: SciVal) or articles and reviews in which the author is the first author, last author and responsible author in internationally indexed journals defined by WoS (WoS-Incites)
**** Researchers whose projects will be completed by the end of 2023 will also be able to apply for the program.

Online Application

Applications are made online at e-bideb.tubitak.gov.tr within the dates announced in the call announcement.

Documents for the application system must be in Turkish. Certified Turkish translations of documents prepared in other languages must be uploaded.
At the application stage, it is sufficient to upload the documents to the system, and they do not need to be delivered to BİDEB. The evaluation is made only on the documents uploaded to the system. For this reason, the document related to each condition must be uploaded to the system through application forms in a clear and determined content (The documents containing only a web page link will not be considered).

A two-stage application system will be used in this program.

Required Documents For The First Stage

  • Letter of Intent

Required Documents For The Second Stage

  • Research Proposal Form

Registered information about researchers on Researcher Information System (ARBİS) must be updated before application.

For both stages, candidates must undertake that the information they enter into the system is correct and that they will comply with the program obligations. Candidates who approve their application are deemed to have undertaken this. If a contrary declaration is detected, the applications are returned without being evaluated and/or the relevant legislation provisions are applied.

Researchers who receive support must submit other requested documents specified in the call text to BİDEB after the announcement of the support decision.
Application withdrawal can be done at any stage. For withdrawal process, a petition with signature indicating the application year and period must be sent to the address of BİDEB. Upon receipt of the petition to BİDEB, the update process is carried out.

Evaluation Procedure

Applications are evaluated in two stages.

Preliminary examination:

The application documents are checked according to the application conditions of the program. Applications that do not meet any of the application requirements, whose information entered in the system are not approved by the deadline, and those submitted by fax or e-mail are returned without scientific evaluation.

Scientific evaluation:

Scientific evaluation is carried out by expert panelists / consultants

Initiation of the Project

The researcher to be supported should start his research by sending the following documents as soon as possible after the support decision. The coordinator may request to postpone the project start date for a maximum of 6 months due to force majeure.

  • In case the coordinator is working in public research centers, the letter of approval to be obtained from the highest official of the public institution to which the relevant public research center is affiliated,

  • It should be obtained before research if the study requires any legal / special permission certificate and/or Ethics Committee certificate (animal experiments ethics committees, clinical trials ethics committees and non-interventional human trials ethics committees).

  • (See TÜBİTAK Ethics Committee Approval Document Information Note and TÜBİTAK Legal / Special Permit Information Note)

  • Project proposal and "Approved Application Document" which was automatically generated by the system during application

  • The original or certified copy of the diploma or graduation certificate related to the latest education (a certified Turkish translation of the diploma other than Turkish or English must be sent.

  • If any, the support letters to be received from the people / institutions / organizations to be benefited within the scope of the project

Monitoring Procedure

The coordinator is obliged to submit his reports to TÜBİTAK on the dates specified in the project contract, according to the work plan proposed during the application. Progress / results reports should include the expenditures for the relevant period.

The project is concluded as of the end date specified in the contract. The final report must be sent within two months at the latest following the deadline specified in the project contract. If the host institution is a foundation university, a "Certified Public Accountant" report regarding the expenditures made within the scope of the project is required.

Progress and results reports are evaluated by experts assigned by TÜBİTAK.

The project whose final report is accepted is deemed to have been completed.

  1. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu Bilim İnsanı Destek Programları Başkanlığı Tarafından Yürütülen Programlara İlişkin Yönetmelik

  2. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu Bilim İnsanı Destek Programları Başkanlığı Burs ve Destek Programlarının Yürütülmesine İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar

  3. BİDEB Burs ve Destek Programlarında Başvuruların ve Raporların Panel/Danışman/Danışma Kurulu Yöntemi ile Değerlendirilmesi ve İzlenmesine İlişkin Yönerge

  4. TÜBİTAK Kaynaklarından Genel Bütçe Kapsamındaki Kamu İdareleri ile Özel Bütçeli İdarelere Proje Karşılığı Aktarılacak Tutarların Harcanması ve TÜBİTAK Tarafından Yürütülen Dış Destekli Projelerin Harcamalarının Gerçekleştirilmesine İlişkin Esas ve Usuller

  5. TÜBİTAK Tarafından Özel Kuruluşlar ve Vakıf Üniversitelerine Proje Karşılığı Aktarılacak Tutarların Transferi, Harcanması, Muhasebeleştirilmesi ve Denetimine İlişkin Esaslar

  6. TÜBİTAK Kaynaklarından Araştırma Altyapıları İle 5018 Sayılı Kamu Malî Yönetimi ve Kontrol Kanununun Kapsamı Dışında Kalan Kamu İdarelerine Proje Karşılığı Aktarılacak Tutarların Mali İşlemlerinde Uygulanacak Usul ve Esaslar

  7. Proje Teşvik ve Destekleme Esaslarına İlişkin Yönetmelik Uyarınca Desteklenen Projelerde Uygulanacak Fikri Haklar Esasları

  8. TÜBİTAK Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Kurulu Yönetmeliği


TÜBİTAK Science Fellowship and Grant Programmes Directorate

2247-D National Early Stage Researchers Program

Address: TUBITAK, Science Fellowship and Grant Programmes Directorate, Tunus St. No:80, 06100 Kavaklidere, Ankara, Türkiye
Phone: +90 312 468 53 00
e-Mail: bideb2247a@tubitak.gov.tr

General Info

The Scope of the Support, Amount and Duration
Important Notes


Terms of Application
Application Forms
Online Application


Evaluation Procedure


Initiation of the Project
Monitoring Forms
Monitoring Procedure



